None of the terror attacks that have taken place in our country in the past decade have been solved. Their organizers have never been identified, caught, tried and punished. Are we expected to believe that the government is really clueless about the organizers, or it is possible that it is covering up for them?
The bomb explosion that took place at the gate of the Delhi High Court on September 7, 2011, has already claimed 13 lives. Nearly a hundred people are injured, many grievously. The Communist Ghadar Party of India condemns this grievous attack on our people and expresses it heartfelt condolences to the families of those killed, and to those injured and their families.
This terrorist attack, taking place soon after the Mumbai terror attack of July, has shown one thing —the Central Government is either unwilling, or incapable, of protecting the lives of ordinary people from terror attacks.
Once again, after the High Court blast, the media was fed with "information" from "unidentified sources" within the Home Ministry about this or that terror outfit being behind this attack. Stories have also been planted that some Khalistani groups might be behind it. These stories have two aims — (1) to divert attention from the fact that it is the government's responsibility to protect the lives of people from terror attacks and (2) to communalize the atmosphere, and whip up communal frenzy.
The fact remains that 6 days after the blast, the government and its National Investigation Agency are admitting they are clueless about who organized the blasts. According to reports, they have approached the US for assistance to track down the terrorists!
The US is world renowned for organizing terror attacks in various countries of the world, to advance its geo political aims. It is also known for covering its tracks through "false flag" operations, which means it uses some other flag or organization to carry out its dirty activities, while keeping its hand hidden. It cannot be ruled out that many of the terror attacks in India have been organized by the US. That the government wants the assistance of US, the chief patron of terrorism all over the world, in finding out who is behind the Delhi blasts, reveals its utter incompetence and shamelessness.
None of the terror attacks that have taken place in our country in the past decade have been solved. Their organizers have never been identified, caught, tried and punished. Are we expected to believe that the government is really clueless about the organizers, or it is possible that it is covering up for them?
Such a government, which cannot provide protection to its own people, has lost all right to rule. Workers, along with peasants and other working people, will have to smash the state power of the capitalists and establish their own state power to ensure security and prosperity in people’s lives.