Workers, kisans, women and youth came out in large numbers, on the occasion of Bharat Bandh on September 27, to protest against the three anti kisan laws, rising cost of petrol, diesel and all essential commodities, against the increasing unemployment and insecurity of livelihood, against the attacks on our hard-won rights of workers, and against the privatisation of vital public assets and services. The Samyukt Kisan Morcha, spearheading the ongoing kisan andolan, had issued the call for the Bharat Bandh.

At the Singhu, Tikri and Gazipur borders of Delhi, the agitating kisans observed Bharat Bandh by organising meetings, dharnas, socio-cultural programs and marches. Huge banners announcing the demands of the kisans and their resolve to not give up the struggle lent a militant atmosphere at the kisan protest sites. The agitating kisans blocked the Delhi-Amritsar National Highway at Shahabad in Kurukshetra, Haryana as a mark of protest.

Trade Unions and workers’ organisations, youth and women’s organisations participated in the actions at the kisan protest sites, demonstrating their solidarity with the kisans’ struggle. Barricades and blockades put by the state as well as severe police restrictions could not deter the protestors.
Workers’ organisations and kisan organisations organised huge demonstrations as well as ‘rail roko’ and ‘rasta roko’ actions throughout the country. Protest actions have been reported, in both rural and urban centres, including the big towns and metro cities, in several states. These include Punjab, Haryana, Kerala, Tripura, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Odisha, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Assam, Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur and Gujarat. In several places, protesting activists braved lathis, tear gas and arrests by the authorities, to make the bandh a success.

In Tamilnadu, kisan organisations and workers’ unions organised militant protest actions in Chennai and all the district headquarters.
In New Delhi, all the major trade unions and workers’ organisations organised a joint protest march and rally at Jantar Mantar. The representative of Mazdoor Ekta Committee (MEC) addressed the rally, along with leaders of the other trade unions.

The militant participation of workers, kisans, women and youth in the protest actions on the occasion of Bharat Bandh, September 27, indicates the widespread opposition of the majority of people to the growing attacks on our livelihood and rights. It brings out the growing unity among the workers, kisans and different sections of the working and oppressed people, in the struggle for a new India, in which people will be the decision makers and our rights and well-being will be guaranteed.