We deeply mourn the passing away of Comrade Thangasamy Wilson

With profound grief, the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India announces the passing away of our dear Comrade Thangasamy Wilson on October 20, 2021.

Comrade T Wilson

Born in a working class family in Kanyakumanri District of Tamilnadu, Comrade Wilson was attracted to the ideals of communism from an early age. Nothing could shake his complete faith in the Party and its line. He worked with determination to organise the working class and toiling people in defence of their rights. He devoted his entire active life to the cause of the liberation of the working class and toiling people from all forms of exploitation and oppression. Through his indefatigable work, he won the love and affection of the people.

The outpouring of grief of the people amongst whom he lived and worked was reflected in his funeral. Hundreds of his comrades and people from the community — workers, women and youth — came braving the pouring rain, to show their love and respect for their departed friend and comrade, for a person they knew had always fought courageously for the interests of the people.

A touching memorial meeting was held in front of the coffin carrying the body of Comrade Wilson, which was covered with a red cloth and decorated with wreaths. A moving condolence message from Comrade Lal Singh, General Secretary of our Party, was read out before the gathering. After this, several other comrades of the Party also spoke about the life and work of Comrade Wilson.

Several leaders of the Panchayat Unions of the district participated in the memorial meeting and addressed it. Leaders of the CPIM Area Committee paid homage to Comrade Wilson by placing a wreath on behalf of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) on his body. They lauded the contribution of Comrade Wilson and the CGPI in fighting for the rights of the people and for the cause of communism.

The passing away of Comrade Wilson is an irreparable loss for the party and the people. The CC of the CGPI dips the red flag in memory of our departed comrade.

Below we publish the message of condolence of Comrade Lal Singh, General Secretary of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, which was read out in the funeral meeting of Comrade Thangasamy Wilson.

Condolence Message from Comrade Lal Singh


It is with great sorrow that we received yesterday the news that our dear comrade T Wilson is no more. He breathed his last, surrounded by his loving comrades, at the young and untimely age of 57, after waging a prolonged, valiant but losing battle against an incurable disease which finally took its toll.

Thangasamy Wilson was a steadfast fighter for the cause of the emancipation of the working class and toiling people. Born to a working class family in Kanyakumari District of Tamilnadu, he participated in struggles of workers from a very early age. He was deeply attracted to the ideas of communism and joined the party organization when he was barely into his teens.

I vividly recall my first meeting with him. He was an energetic and enthusiastic young man, one of the many youth who worked under the leadership of late Comrade P Dass to build the Party in this region. He was an artist and painter by profession, who put his talent to the service of the party and the workers’ movement through beautiful wall paintings and writings.

Whatever task the party assigned to him, he would carry it out enthusiastically. After the passing away of Comrade Dass, Comrade Wilson led other comrades of Kanyakumari district in boldly and unwaveringly taking forward the work of the Party. He was a member of the Central Committee of the Party and a spokesperson of the CC. He openly and fearlessly took the party’s line and message amongst the people. He stood as a candidate of the party in several elections to parliament and the state assembly. Till his last breath, he stood like a rock with the Party. He truly dedicated his life to the service of humanity.

I bow to dear mother Joyce and salute her for giving birth to a son like Wilson. Even though I am not physically present there, my mind and heart is with all of you. I share your grief, the grief of all of Wilson’s near and dear ones, his comrades, his brothers, sisters, other relatives and friends.

I pledge today, on this solemn occasion, that together, we will steadfastly march on the road we took 41 years ago when we founded our party. We will defend and strengthen the party like the apple of our eye. We will work untiringly to fulfil our mission – to build an India free from all forms of exploitation and oppression of persons by persons.

Lal Salaam dear Comrade Wilson!

Lal Singh
General Secretary, CGPI
October 21, 2021

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  1. Lal Salam to Comrade Wilson. We will remember him always. He is in our hearts forever. We will all work tirelessly to end this exploitative system. Comrade Wilson worked for the new tomorrow of a society free from exploitation and this task will to be carried forward by all of us unwaveringly.


  2. It is really shocking to hear this… This comrade I remember, him as a committed and staunch member; over the years through his work.
    May he rest in peace and we shall soon see his dream of liberating our workers and toilers from the shackles of exploitation come true.
    Red salutes comrade.

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