Condemn the communal violence in Haryana!

Statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, 5 August, 2023

The Communist Ghadar Party of India strongly condemns the communal violence unleashed in the Mewat region of Haryana, and extends its heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims.

Beginning in Nuh district on 31st July, the violence spread over the next two days to Gurugram and Palwal. At least 6 people have lost their lives and many more have been injured. Hundreds of people have had their vehicles and shops set on fire. Thousands of working people have been forced to flee from these districts.

The Haryana government allowed a ‘Shoba Yatra’, a procession organised by Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal, to take place through Nuh district. No action was taken while a highly provocative hate campaign was unleashed on social media. A man who had been accused of lynching two innocent persons named Nasir and Junaid in February gave an open call to his supporters to join the yatra. This took place even though the police have allegedly not been able to locate this accused person for many months.

Many people appealed to the state government to take preventive steps. However, the state government ignored these pleas and allowed the yatra to go ahead.

The Chief Minister and Home Minister of Haryana have declared that the communal violence in Nuh was a pre-planned conspiracy. The Government of Haryana is trying to hide its own role by suggesting that some mysterious conspirators are to blame. Large number of innocent youth and working people have been arrested.

Those in command must be held responsible for the spread of communal hatred and the tragic loss of lives and property in this episode of communal violence in Haryana. It is not this or that section of the people but the state and those in power who are to blame.

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One comment

  1. CGPI has always been saying that Communalism and Communal violence is the most preferred weapon of the Indian ruling classes in order to divide the working people and to disorient their struggles. They use this weapon as and when they feel there is need to divert the attention of the people from the most burning issues concerning them. Thus as Parliamentary elections are nearing in early 2024, ruling class and their most trusted criminal political party BJP is preparing the ground by provoking communal violence in various parts of India. Manipur, Haryana are the prelude to this.

    In order to effectively counter this anti-people offensive and save our lives and livelihood, working class must unite and prepare to overthrow the Capitalists and their political parties from power and capture the power in alliance with peasants and other toiling masses. This is the only way to come out of the cunning attacks, present crisis and resolve all the problems workers are facing.


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