The strike in Samsung Electronics in South Korea completed its 8th day on 14th July. On 15th July, the National Samsung Electronics Union (NSEU) organized another rally with hundreds of workers in front of one of the factory gates. The workers participating in the rally carried banners and posters with their demands and shouted slogans inviting other workers in the company to participate in the strike, with the objective of pressuring management to listen to demands.
More than 6000 workers stopped work on 8th July, initially calling a three-day strike, demanding better pay, paid leave and benefits. On 10th July, the (NSEU) declared an indefinite strike thereafter till the management was ready to negotiate. This strike follows a one-day walkout in June.
Samsung, the world’s largest memory chip maker accounts for a significant share of global output of the high-end chips. It recently predicted a more than 15-fold increase in its operating profits for the quarter ending 30th June 2024. Since most of the striking workers come from Samsung’s semiconductor manufacturing unit, the strike has impacted production significantly, despite earlier claims made by management denying any impact.
NSEU had presented demands for a 5.6 percent wage increase, changes to annual leave and transparent performance-based bonuses.
So far the management has refused to engage with the workers, and instead has threatened them with replacement if the strike continues. For decades after its establishment, Samsung refused to allow any unions for its workers. It was a major victory for the workers when the management was forced to end its “no union policy” in 2019.
Currently, the union has more than 30,000 members — more than a fifth of the company’s total workforce. It is urging more workers to participate in the ongoing strike, with the call, “Let us unite our strength to protect our rights and create a better future.”