Trade Unions protest against Union Budget 2024

Report by correspondent of Mazdoor Ekta Committee

The Joint Forum of Trade Unions of Delhi held a protest at the Lieutenant Governor’s office in Delhi on 9 August 2024. The protest was against the Central Government’s budget which promotes the interests of capitalists and attacks the interests of workers, farmers, women, youth and the entire working class.

9-August-LG-HouseAITUC, CITU, Mazdoor Ekta Committee, Hind Mazdoor Sabha, UTUC, SEWA, AIUTUC, AICCTU, TUCC and INTUC jointly organized the program.

The workers participating in the demonstration carried several placards with slogans written on them – ‘Down with the capitalist-friendly Central Budget!’, ‘Stop filling the coffers of capitalist houses by looting the wealth of workers and farmers!’, ‘Down with the corrupt parasitic rule of the capitalist class!’, ‘Parliament is a tool of the monopoly capitalists!’, ‘Producers of the country’s wealth, become masters of the country!’, ‘Repeal the four labour laws!’, ‘Implement a minimum wage of Rs. 26,000!’, ‘Ensure safety of workers at workplace!’

Representatives of the participating organisations addressed the protest. They gave many examples of the increasing attacks on the working class. Subsidies on everyday items have been reduced drastically. Due to this, pulses, rice, flour, oil, milk, cooking gas, salt, vegetables, fruits etc. will become more expensive.

The speakers explained that this budget is going to give tax exemptions worth thousands of crores of rupees to big capitalists, both domestic and foreign, to fill their pockets. Food subsidy, fertilizer subsidy, LPG subsidy have been cut in the budget. The government has cut the budgeted expenditure on public welfare, labour welfare, agricultural insurance, clean drinking water scheme, National Water Life Mission, MNREGA, etc. The government is silent on the pending demand of farmers for minimum support price (MSP).

All the speakers strongly criticized the increasing exploitation of workers in Delhi. They clarified that both the Congress Party and the BJP have implemented the policy of privatization and liberalization and have promoted the contract system.

Many examples of the exploitative conditions of workers were given. 95 percent of the workers do not even get minimum wages. Workers are forced to work 12-14 hours a day. Most of the workers have been deprived of social security – ESI, PF, gratuity etc. The condition of workers working on contract in government institutions of the Central and Delhi governments is very pathetic. They have to pay bribes of thousands of rupees to get contract jobs. After getting them to sign on slips that show payment of minimum wages, in reality they are given only Rs.10000-11000. Due to the collusion of the government and administration with factory owners, workers are becoming victims of fire and industrial accidents every day. Unemployment, especially among the youth, is increasing rapidly. An increasing number of youth are being forced to endure the slave-like conditions of gig workers.

The speakers emphasized that to end this exploitation and oppression, we have to strengthen our unity and take our struggles forward. We have to change the direction of the economy – it has to be run in the direction of meeting the growing needs of the workers and farmers, and not in the direction of increasing the wealth of monopoly capitalist houses.

At the end of the program, it was announced that from 10th to 13th August, campaigns will be run in industrial areas regarding the demands of the workers and on 14th August, a large demonstration will be held at the Deputy Labor Commissioner’s offices.

In conclusion, the delegation of the Joint Forum of Trade Unions submitted a memorandum to the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi.

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