The 25th of December this year marked the 44th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Ghadar Party of India. This occasion was celebrated in Delhi and many other places, in India and abroad.
The meetings to celebrate the occasion began with the presentation of an important speech by Comrade Lal Singh, General Secretary, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Party. This was followed by numerous interventions by members and supporters of the Party. There was vigorous discussion of the situation in India and the world, which points to the necessity for the proletarian revolution as the only way to save humanity from the disasters that imperialism and the capitalist ruling classes have in store.
Participants took pride in the work that the Party has carried out over the past 44 years. Many comrades highlighted the fact that our Party has preserved and continuously strengthening the steel like unity in its ranks, and never permitted the emergence of any factions or splits.
Many comrades who had newly joined the Party expressed what a positive change it had made in their lives and how they looked at the future with enthusiasm. They highlighted the fact that each of us is free to express our views in the forums of this Party, enjoying equal rights, unlike in most other places in this society. They exhorted other young supporters to lose no time in joining the Party.
Several participants presented revolutionary poems and songs that they had written or composed. The meetings concluded in a very militant spirit, with the participants resolving to further strengthen the Party by building basic organisations among workers, peasants, women and youth. They resolved to master the science of Marxism-Leninism and step up the struggle to restore the unity of communists by waging irreconcilable struggle against all forms of conciliation with bourgeois ideology.