International Women’s Day was enthusiastically celebrated in the Kalkaji area of South Delhi under the leadership of Purogami Mahila Sangathan (PMS) on March 6, 2011. Women students from schools and colleges, young working women, activists of local people’s organisations and women from various residential colonies enthusiastically participated in this program, along with the activists of PMS.
International Women’s Day was enthusiastically celebrated in the Kalkaji area of South Delhi under the leadership of Purogami Mahila Sangathan (PMS) on March 6, 2011. Women students from schools and colleges, young working women, activists of local people’s organisations and women from various residential colonies enthusiastically participated in this program, along with the activists of PMS.
The program reflected the work of the young activists of PMS in organising the meeting in terms of collecting funds from various localities, preparing cultural items and in reaching out to the people.
The meeting began with militant slogans such as, ‘With the reigns of power in our hands, we will end oppression and injustice!’, ‘Long live liberation of women!’, ‘We are her masters, we are India – the workers, peasants, women and youth!’. This was followed by a dance drama based on a revolutionary song, which was beautifully rendered by young women holding red flags.
The program was conducted by the comrades of PMS. There were several speakers who spoke on the significance of International Women’s Day.
Congratulating the women and men present at the meeting on the occasion of the International Women’s day, the Delhi Secretary of the Communist Ghadar Party of India said that the capitalist system in our country and in the world was in a grave crisis. The women workers in production and services are vigorously opposing the attacks on their livelihood and rights as well as those of the working class in general. They are also fighting against discrimination, state oppression and social oppression. In England, France, Italy, Germany, Greece and other European, North African and West Asian and other countries of the world, women are boldly coming out on the streets to face the armed forces of autocratic states.
She said that the political parties of our country are trying to thrust the demand of reservation of seats in the Parliament and State Assemblies as the main demand of the women’s movement. It is being claimed that this will reduce the discrimination faced by the women, and women will be empowered. Women in struggle must reflect on this issue and base our conclusions on the experience in our country and the rest of the world. We have to understand that the multiparty democracy that exists in our country and in other countries is designed to keep women and other toiling masses deprived of political power. This system ensures that the control of Tata, Birla, Ambani, etc. continues and that the state continues to serve only their interests. The government, ruling and parliamentary opposition parties, top officials, legislators, media moghuls, all work together in the interest of the monopoly houses.
In conclusion, she said that we need a new political system and process and need to establish new institutions that will ensure that political power remains in the hands of those who have been deprived of it so far, including working women. Women understand this very well that if there has to be a change, then it is necessary that the political power must vest in the hands of the working people, including women.
Talking on behalf of PMS, Renu said that the capitalist political system that is incapable of going beyond the interest of the capitalists, cannot lead to emancipation of women simply by having more women in the top positions within the system. For example, the President of our country is a woman. The Chief Ministers of UP and Delhi are women. The speaker of the Parliament and leader of the opposition are women. There are many women ministers. Has this led to a reduction in the oppression and exploitation of women? No! As long as the corrupt, parasitic rule of the capitalist class remains intact, the problems of women will continue. Women will have to fight to ensure that workers and peasants become the rulers.
Professor Kamala Sankaran conveyed her greeting of the International Women’s day to the women who were present there and said that this day is an inspiration to the women of our country and the world, to continue the struggle against oppression, injustice and exploitation.
Many of young comrades of PMS said that political and economic system is responsible for the oppression and exploitation that we face as women and girls in this society. It is the capitalist system that is the perpetrator of backward customs, traditions, oppression and exploitation in our society.
On this occasion, activists of the Hind Naujawan Ekta Sabha also addressed the meeting.
In addition to the speeches by the invited guests, the young women presented folk dances and other group cultural items. The meeting was concluded by revolutionary songs sung by women and men comrades.