Unlike the candidates of bourgeois parties who were given a ticket by their party high commands, Com Wilson was selected by the people ‘s committees of Buthan Sandhai, Semgangkalai, Kadaiyalu Moodu, Kunjaluvelai, Paulkuzhi, Mukkutukal, Idikodu, Arumani and Vellangkodu, Devi codu, Northang Kalai, Mangkodu, Karodu, PaluKuzhi, KunjaluVillai, Mela Theru, Kulichal, Marapadi and Arumanai and other areas in the constituency.
Unlike the candidates of bourgeois parties who were given a ticket by their party high commands, Com Wilson was selected by the people ‘s committees of Buthan Sandhai, Semgangkalai, Kadaiyalu Moodu, Kunjaluvelai, Paulkuzhi, Mukkutukal, Idikodu, Arumani and Vellangkodu, Devi codu, Northang Kalai, Mangkodu, Karodu, PaluKuzhi, KunjaluVillai, Mela Theru, Kulichal, Marapadi and Arumanai and other areas in the constituency.
In the din and fray of the Assembly elections in Tamil Nadu, the People’s Candidate, Com T Wilson, contesting from the Vilavangacode constituency of Kanyakumari stood out in sharp relief from candidates of the bourgeois fronts. The process by which he was selected by the people of the constituency and the politics that he represented was as different from that of bourgeois party candidates as day from night.
Unlike the candidates of bourgeois parties who were given a ticket by their party high commands, Com Wilson was selected by the people ‘s committees of Buthan Sandhai, Semgangkalai, Kadaiyalu Moodu, Kunjaluvelai, Paulkuzhi, Mukkutukal, Idikodu, Arumani and Vellangkodu, Devi codu, Northang Kalai, Mangkodu, Karodu, PaluKuzhi, KunjaluVillai, Mela Theru, Kulichal, Marapadi and Arumanai and other areas in the constituency.
Based on the decision of these people’s committees as well as on the work that Com. Wilson has done in the past among the working class and people of this region, Communist Ghadar party of India, Lok Raj Sangathan (Makkalatchi Iyakkam), Tamil Nadu Peasants Union, Hind NauJawan Ekta Sabha, Workers Unity Movement, Unorganized workers Federation, NAPM, Democratic Fishermen’s Organization of Kanyakumari and many other people’s organizations extended their valuable support to Com. Wilson.
Thousands of people were met during the election campaign, thousands of leaflets and candidate manifestos were distributed, and hundreds of street corner meetings were held during the campaign that started on April 3rd and ended on April 11th.
Activists organized a van which was decorated with Com. Wilson’s photo and with slogans for the victory of people’s power. The campaign was inaugurated by the veteran leader Com. Saravanan of Tamil Nadu Peasants Union and Makkalatchi Iyakkam, who stressed the urgent necessity for rule of workers and peasants replacing the rule of the minority capitalist class. He congratulated the people of the region for putting forward Wilson as their candidate for the elections. He expressed confidence that Wilson would most ably defend the interests of the working masses in the TN Legislative Assembly, and be accountable to them. The van fitted with a mike and speaker set, travelled throughout the constituency, and stopped at key junctions where small public meetings were held, and leaflets distributed.
The CGPI statement on the TN elections, explaining the necessity for the system to be changed, was received by the people with great enthusiasm. Many workers and people, who knew Wilson for many years as an activist and a fighter, met the caravan during its journey and greeted the activists. They promised to vote for Wilson and support the cause of this campaign.
Street corner meetings were held in various junctions including Puthan Sandai, Edaikodu, Melpalai, Kuttaikodu, Devikodu, Panachamoodu, Melakodu, Vellachi Parai, Kulap Parai, Kettur Konam, Ambala Kalai, Kizh Mangodu, Narthang Kuzhi, Mukutukal and Manjalu Moodu. The meeting held at Manjalu Moodu on April 4th was particularly attended by a large number of people who were in the junction, and stayed on to listen to us with serious attention.
Our comrades distributed the candidate’s manifesto and party’s leaflet amongst people at all traffic junction points. These statements and our comrade’s speeches were received enthusiastically by the people. Our speakers, amongst other issues, also explained how the capitalist parties are funded by the capitalists with crores of rupees looted and exploited from workers. They called on the people to contribute generously to carry out the political campaign of the people’s candidate. People enthusiastically responded to our call and generously contributed to the election fund of the people’s candidate.
The campaign on April 5th ended with a well-attended meeting at Arumanai junction. Our speech was heard with rapt attention. Our comrades explained how the current system works and how corruption is a part and parcel of this capitalist system. Right from Independence, corruption has continued and has been growing in line with the growth of capital and monopoly.
Speakers very emphatically pointed out that the key beneficiary of scams are the big capitalists, while the politicians who serve them also receive a share in the loot. People should realize that all the black money that exists within and outside India, all belong to the people and has been taken out of their hard labour. We clearly see that corruption is part of the capitalist system itself and not merely an issue with a few politicians, bureaucrats and political parties. If we want to put an end to corruption, then we need to end the capitalist system itself.
During the campaign, speakers belonging to several organisations supporting Wilson exposed the character of the two major fronts of the bourgeoisie, one led by DMK with Congress support and the other by AIDMK with the support of CPI, CPI (M) and other regional parties. These two fronts have been in power in turns and have served the capitalists completely. Speakers stressed the need to defeat these fronts if we are to win our rights.
The National Leader of Unorganised workers Federation, Katida Thozhilar Panchayat Sangam (Construction workers union), Pennurimai Iyakkam (Organization for Women’s Rights) Ms. Geetha, called on workers of the constituency to vote for Com Wilson, in a meeting at Arumanai Junction. she declared that the present political system is unjust and unfair towards workers. In the electoral process, there are different set of rules for the “recognized parties” and for others. She questioned how this can be called a level playing field and democracy, when everyone can see how money power and muscle power are playing their part in the elections. She appreciated the bold step of Com. Wilson and the supporting organizations in contesting the elections and putting forward the concerns of workers and peasants.
During the campaign, activists pointed out that when workers and peasants are more than 90 percent of the population, why can’t we actually take power in our hands? The present political system of representative democracy is designed to ensure the rule of the bourgeoisie and defend the present orientation of the economy, of maximum profits for the capitalist class through the savage exploitation of workers and peasants and the resources of our country. We need to replace this with a system of direct democracy so that power vests with workers and peasants. Only then, with power in our hands, will we be able to reorient the economy so as to ensure the well being of workers and peasants. We have to work to change the system to ensure that we can rule. We cannot retain the same exploitative and oppressive state and use it in the interest of the workers and peasants.
The Communist Ghadar Party of India congratulates the bold initiatives of people’s candidates like Com Wilson, and wishes them all success in the campaign.