Dear Editor,
I am very thankful to you for the important, deeply researched and informative article entitled "The struggle against fascism and imperialism – an integral part of the proletarian revolution'' in the August 1-15, 2010 issue of MEL.
Dear Editor,
I am very thankful to you for the important, deeply researched and informative article entitled "The struggle against fascism and imperialism – an integral part of the proletarian revolution'' in the August 1-15, 2010 issue of MEL.
It is inspiring for all revolutionaries to read about the great anti-fascist united front during the Second World War that brought fascist regimes to their defeat. However, the tide did turn and revolution has been in a period of retreat.
At this time, pitched battles are taking place everyday. There are large sections across the length and breadth of the world which are fed up with the imperialist dictate. There are mass eruptions in countries such as Greece protesting against the decimating of their economy, in Latin America against US brinkmanship, against the G-8 and G-20 summits in Canada, and world wide protests against US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. The naked truth of the ugly face of imperialism and fascism is there for everyone to see.
It is imperative that the working people of the world organize themselves and take on their historical role with renewed vigour and enthusiasm. By striving for socialism, they will defeat the tide of reaction and medievalism that has been foisted on them by the world bourgeoisie. They must repudiate the bourgeoisie's line that what is good for capital is what is good for the world. They must repudiate the keystone of the bourgeoisie's world view that might is right. They must defeat pragmatism and put the world back on the high road to civilization. The article in the MEL is an important contribution in this regard. I thank you again for carrying this article.
S. Nair