Hail the Fourth Congress of our Party

Sir, I am writing to thank you for carrying the report on the Fourth Congress of the Communist Ghadar Party of India that took place in October 2010. The Congress has taken place as we approach the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of our revolutionary and patriotic party, and in the midst of the all round crisis of credibility of the bourgeoisie, its politics and its state. This has also been a period when the objective conditions for revolution have been ripening, whereas it is also the one where the subjective conditions have been definitely lagging behind.

Sir, I am writing to thank you for carrying the report on the Fourth Congress of the Communist Ghadar Party of India that took place in October 2010. The Congress has taken place as we approach the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of our revolutionary and patriotic party, and in the midst of the all round crisis of credibility of the bourgeoisie, its politics and its state. This has also been a period when the objective conditions for revolution have been ripening, whereas it is also the one where the subjective conditions have been definitely lagging behind.

It is also a period of an all out attack on society at large at the end stages of the programme of privatization and liberalization, and at a stage when an all out looting of society is taking place. The bourgeoisie has also been carrying out propaganda that there is no alternative to its state and state organs and that the working people and the toiling masses should give up any hope of remission from this status quo. As a result, the fact that the Congress could take place and that our Party could come out stronger than ever is itself something that we can all be justly proud of.

In the ideo-political sphere, there are significant roadblocks that the movement faces, in the sapping of its revolutionary zeal by the parliamentary communists on the one hand, and in the path of confusion and self-destruction that goes under the name of Mao Zedong thought. Whereas the former is one that advocates that the working people be a tail of the bourgeoisie and by adopting the posture of compromise satisfy themselves with occasional crumbs, also known as the human face of capitalism, the latter through its advocacy of ahistorical and idealistic positions and manifest contradictions of formulation and blind imitation of (what have proved to be disastrous) models, divert and disorient the movement. It is only with the scientific path of Marxism-Leninism that identifies the key revolutionary classes that revolution can indeed be carried out. In this regard, the Report to the Congress has clearly spelt out that it is only the working class at this stage that is revolutionary, as it has nothing to lose but its chains.

The Congress has also deliberated on the key questions of tactics of the bourgeoisie in keeping the working peoples enslaved, which includes in its arsenal, terror and state terror, and violence of all forms, in addition to the daily violence it wreaks on the population of the country through poverty and immiseration. The bourgeoisie is also arming itself to its teeth to embark on the path to war for the redivision of the world into spheres of influence. The working peoples must be ever vigilant at this stage to not become a tail of the bourgeoisie in its self-serving and destructive vision.

The period ahead is one where the attack on Communism by the bourgeoisie will continue with increased vigour. These challenges must be met resolutely and with determination. The Fourth Congress is a landmark event in this struggle. I join MEL in hailing the Fourth Congress.

Sincerely, A. Narayan


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