Sir, I am writing to thank you for carrying the article entitled “Indo-US strategic alliance is an imperialist alliance! It is against the interests of India and world’s peoples”. I would like to point out that the article is in the finest tradition of Marxism-Leninism analyzing the ground realities of the world situation.
Sir, I am writing to thank you for carrying the article entitled “Indo-US strategic alliance is an imperialist alliance! It is against the interests of India and world’s peoples”. I would like to point out that the article is in the finest tradition of Marxism-Leninism analyzing the ground realities of the world situation.
It is now over twenty years since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the disequilibrium caused by the end of the bipolar division of the world has moved towards a new multi-polar world with several contenting imperialist powers challenging the hegemony of the USA, the victor of the cold war. The rise of an imperialist China is the one that is viewed by the USA with the greatest alarm. Part of its strategy for containing China is the AfPak policy, and also an alliance it is seeking to build with India.
The ruling circles of India view the recognition of India as an emerging imperialist power with great satisfaction since in their opinion, India has at last arrived. The article points out that the visit of President Obama at this time is one of great danger since there is very little for the people of India to rejoice about. Besides signing several business deals that will add to India’s debt burden a large amount of expenditure will be incurred by the people of India for the purchase of expensive armaments, which indicates the ruling circles of India are preparing for war. The collusion of the Indian ruling circles with the US will lock India into disastrous and unnecessary wars and will lead India into becoming a pawn in the increasingly dangerous strategic chessboard of Asia. The people of India must unite against such an imperialist alliance. I congratulate the CGPI for its bold and uncompromising stand on the issue.
Zaheer, Ghazipur