Letters to Editor: Ensuring prosperity for all

I am writing in response to the article entitled ‘Only under workers’ and peasants’ rule can prosperity be provided for all’ carried in the Feb. 1-15, 2019 issue of MEL.

This article is an example of analysis in the highest tradition of marxism-Leninism, the theory of scientific socialism as applied to the capitalist system, the prevailing system in present day India. It begins by exposing the bogus slogans put forward by various parties of the bourgeoisie at various times, whether it is the ‘Development for all’ of the BJP or the ‘Garibi hatao’ of the Congress.


I am writing in response to the article entitled ‘Only under workers’ and peasants’ rule can prosperity be provided for all’ carried in the Feb. 1-15, 2019 issue of MEL.

This article is an example of analysis in the highest tradition of marxism-Leninism, the theory of scientific socialism as applied to the capitalist system, the prevailing system in present day India. It begins by exposing the bogus slogans put forward by various parties of the bourgeoisie at various times, whether it is the ‘Development for all’ of the BJP or the ‘Garibi hatao’ of the Congress. The article demonstrates that what we have in the country today is rapacious capitalism headed by the behemoths namely the houses of Tata, Ambani, Birlas and so on. In terms of numbers, the article clearly discusses how the capitalist class pockets about 40-45% of the value added by the working class, leaving very little behind for the vast numbers of working people and the peasantry. Various policies favour precisely this arrangement and there is increasing poverty on the one hand amongst the masses and increasing concentration of wealth in the hands of billionaires on the other. The chief features of this era can be summarized under the following points:

  • that the wage increases of workers is far too little,
  • that the vast majority does not receive its fair share,
  • that this has led to the intensification of struggles for the fair share,
  • that peasants are robbed of an even greater share,
  • that there are several legitimate demands for brining down prices of inputs and better procurement prices of their produce,
  • that sops like waiver of some farm loans does not address the source of problems, and that it is throwing the peasants to “market forces” that is responsible for their plight,
  • that peasants and agricultural workers were devastated by the 2016 note ban, and indeed also small producers who were wiped out, leading to greater monopolization,
  • that the earnings from capital and finance is not deployed to the welfare of the people,
  • that the youth and productive forces have been destroyed by the complete anarchy unleashed by the monopoly houses and their policies,
  • that all the above has led to increasing suffering of the people and deprivation of the basic needs of the people,
  • that any mention of social spending is bad-mouthed under the name of `subsidy’ and yet bad loans and other outstanding debts of capitalist houses are written off,
  • and that the capitalists and their system today is the biggest roadblock to social betterment,
  • and that an immediate resolution of the contradiction between highly interlinked production under capitalism and concentration of decision making power in a few hands and the vast concentration of economic power in these is the fundamental obstruction to progress in the country,
  • and that it is only the working class and a reorientation of the economy and a new state that will safeguard the interests of the people and not just of the exploitation of the minority is the order of the day.

Thus, I would like to second the conclusion of the article which is that it is only the rule of the workers and the peasants and a new state that will resolve the contradictions of the system in the country. The times are calling for the true masters of India to take charge of its destiny.

Let us all work together for this noble aim as the calling of our times.


A. Narayan, Bangalore

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