Close to 400 nurses of three hospitals run by the Vijaya group in Chennai have gone on strike in support of their demand for better salaries. The nurses are demanding an increase in basic pay from Rs. 6320 to Rs. 15000 per month, an annual increment of 15% of basic pay and hike in night time allowance.
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Meeting of Loco Drivers of the Delhi Branch
The Delhi Branch of the All India Loco Pilots’ Association (AILRSA) held their meeting on 10th June 2012 in the loco workshop of the Purani Delhi Railway station. Many young loco pilots participated enthusiastically in this meeting. A majority of the loco pilots had participated in the Second All-India General Body Meeting of the AILRSA, held successfully over two days in Bengaluru.
Continue readingCondemn the petrol price hike!
Fight for the complete withdrawal of this hike!
On May 23, 2012 the UPA government launched a savage attack on the livelihood of our people by increasing the petrol prices by over 7.50 Ps per liter. This is the third hike in petrol prices in the past year, and the steepest ever, the previous steepest being Rs 5/- a litre.
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Statement of the Central Committee of CGPI on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Lok Sabha, 20th May, 2012
A special session of both houses of Parliament was convened on 13th May to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the first session of the Lok Sabha.
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Condemn US imperialist intrigue and meddling in India and the region!
The visit of Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State, to India in early May was an occasion for the US imperialists to apply pressure on India to further their own nefarious interests, and to intrigue and meddle in our internal affairs and in the affairs of this region.
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Engine Drivers of the Indian Railways resolve to step up struggle!
Thousands of engine drivers and their families militantly and enthusiastically participated in a rally from the Bangaluru City Railway Station to the Central College grounds in the afternoon of May 16, 2012.
May Day Celebrated vigorously by workers all over the country
May Day 2012 was marked by militant demonstrations, rallies and meetings in all the cities and towns of our vast country. The Communist Ghadar Party of India gave a stirring call to the workers on the eve of May Day to fight for the universal rights of all workers.
Continue readingMay Day celebrated enthusiastically all over the world
Workers all over the world participated in public rallies and demonstrations on May 1, 2012, voicing their resistance to the all-sided attacks on their rights. They reaffirmed their resolve to put an end to the capitalist system and establish in its place a system free from all forms of exploitation.
Continue readingPeasants getting ruined as the Central Government defends the capitalist traders headed by the monopoly corporations
While the Manmohan Sigh government and the Congress Party continue to pretend that they are working for the “aam aadmi”, both the working class and the peasantry are being impoverished and ruined at a rapid pace.
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We mourn the passing away of our dear Comrade Prof Dalip Singh
Prof Dr Dalip Singh was a fierce defender of justice and human rights, and an outspoken opponent of state terrorism. In the period following Operation Blue Star and the genocide of Sikhs in 1984, Prof Dalip Singh worked closely with our party organizations to expose the false anti Sikh communal hysteria spread by the state and the Congress Party, and to build the unity of the people against state terrorism and state organized communal genocides.