Comrades, we have launched an important initiative to engage all communists in discussion on the urgent necessity for preparing the working class to take political power into its own hands. I call upon you to take up this task and spare no effort in taking this widely in every region of the country.Let us put pressure on everyone calling themselves communist to take a clear stand on this question— are they or are they not agreed on the urgent necessity to prepare the working class to take political power and establish proletarian democracy in place of capitalist democracy?
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Grand Celebration of 31st Birth Anniversary of Communist Ghadar Party
The 31st birth anniversary of the Communist Ghadar Party of India was celebrated in grand and colourful style in Delhi on 25th December 2011. The entire program was managed from beginning to end by the youthful comrades of the Party.
First Working Class Conference in Delhi initiates serious debate on the
Way Forward: One Aim, One Program for Political Power!
An important and path breaking two-day conference was organized by Lok Awaz Publishers and Distributors in Delhi on 23-24 December, 2011. It was attended by activists and organisers of the working class, belonging to numerous trends and parties in the communist movement.
Continue readingCapitalist governments have no solution to the deepening economic crisis!
Recent data show that the rate of economic growth has turned negative in many advanced capitalist countries, while it is slowing down in all the others. Serious concern is being expressed by multilateral institutions like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund that the global recession may sink into a double-dip depression.
Continue readingDoctors of Rajasthan’s government hospitals on strike
Doctors working in Rajasthan's government hospitals have been on strike since December 21, on the issues of parity in wages and time-bound promotions. 6000 doctors are militantly fighting for their rights.
Continue readingMotormen of Western Railways fight for their rights
Between 23-25 November 2011, Motormen of the Western Railways, organized under the banner of the Western Railway Motormen’s Association, went on a work to rule agitation. This resulted in disruption of the normal running of trains. They were protesting against the suspension of a motorman for crossing a signal at a platform.
Continue readingWe do not sell our mother earth!
People’s opposition to nuclear projects is growing across the country. Thousands of peasants in Gorakhpur village and surrounding areas of Fatehabad district of Haryana are also militantly opposing a nuclear electricity project being planned in this village. The government shamelessly declared that the land in the area is infertile.
Continue readingVoltas workers on 200th day of chain hunger strike
On 21 December 2011, a gate meeting was held the headquarters of Tata owned Voltas in Mumbai. The occasion was the 200th day of chain hunger strike of workers in defense of their rights. 5 women workers of the company were on hunger strike on this day.
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