The 63rd anniversary of the Adoption of the Universal Declaration of Rights by the United Nations was marked by a militant demonstration and rally in New Delhi on December 10, 2011.
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Condemn NATO strike on Pakistan!
On November 26, a US-led combined air and land assault on Pakistani territory near the border with Afghanistan led to the death of 24 Pakistani military personnel and injuries to many more. The people and government of Pakistan have responded as one with anger and indignation, and protests have erupted all across the country.
Continue readingComrade R. Shanmugam
Staunch Communist, fighting trade unionist, dedicated social worker and humanist Com. R. Shanmugam is no more. A person who worked day and night for the liberation of the working class and welfare of the people, Comrade Shanmugam passed away following a heart attack on 28th of November, 2011 at the young age of 58.
Continue readingOppose the US-led imperialist pressure and blackmailing of Iran!
US imperialism and its allies, including Israel, Britain, France, Germany and other powers, have been stepping up the pressure and siege of Iran to a feverish pitch in recent weeks. After a decision by Britain to further tighten sanctions on Iran, the Iranian majlis (parliament) decided on November 27 to downgrade its ties with Britain.
Continue readingGeorge Bush and Tony Blair indicted for war crimes
On November 22, the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal based in Malaysia indicted former US President George Bush and former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair for war crimes, in connection with the 2003 invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq.
Continue reading“Austerity” and the Crisis of Democracy in Greece
Greece is considered to be the birthplace of European political thought, with the longest history of democratic forms of political power dating back to the stage of slave society. Today, in the early 21st century, the people of Greece are confronted with a State that openly places its duty to its external money-lenders above its duty to its own citizens.
Continue readingOccupy Wall Street!
Less than a mile away from Wall Street, the heart of global capitalism, the U.S. and the world have for the past three months witnessed a phenomenon unseen in almost four decades.
Continue readingPadagha people rally for rights
Hundreds of workers, peasants and tribals in the villages around Padagha participated in a mass rally on November 27, 2011. The theme of the rally was "We are the producers – We are the real Maliks". The rally was organised by the Lok Raj Sangathan. A correspondent of MEL covered the rally and filed this report.
Continue readingResolution Adopted by the Mass Protest March and Rally Organised by Lok Raj Sangathan
On the occasion of International Human Rights Day December 10, 2011
The world, including our country, is witness to the most grotesque violation of human rights.
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