The on-going protests in several cities across the US against Wall Street converged into anti-war protests on the anniversary of the US invasion of Afghanistan.
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Koodangkulam Nuclear project: Massive popular protests
Powerful mass protest by tens of thousands of workers, peasants, fishermen and intellectuals have taken place in the site of the Koodangkulam nuclear power project Tamilnadu.
Greek workers wage powerful struggle
Tens of thousands of people poured onto the streets of Athens and other cities in Greece in the last week of September 2011 to protest against a fresh round of attacks on their livelihood being launched by the government.
Continue readingProtests spread in the US against big banks
Hundreds of protestors marched on the New York homes of wealthy billionaires who sit on the boardrooms of the banks and other financial institutions of the US on October 11, 2011.
The protesters chanted "Banks got bailed out, we got sold out" and "Hey you billionaires, pay your fair share" and carried signs that "We are the 99 percent."
Continue readingMass protests on October 7, at the Manesar Industrial estate
The immediate cause for this action is the continued attacks on the workers by the management of Maruti-Suzuki and Haryana government
Workers of Maruti-Suzuki struck work insider the factor when 1600 casual workers were prevented from entering the plant by the management and goondas attacked the workers.
Continue readingSecond Consultative Meeting of Organisations Fighting against Privatisation, Liberalisation and Globalisation takes place in Mumbai
On September 30, representatives of 13 Unions and organizations met in Mumbai. The leadership of Lok Raj Sangathan, All India Loco Running Staff Association (AILRSA), Indian Commercial Pilots Association(ICPA), Air India Aircraft Engineers Association(AIAEA), Western Railway Motormen’s Association(WRMA), All India Service Engineers Association(AISEA), All India Railwa
Continue readingCondemn the attack on Prashant Bhushan!
Unite in defence of the Right to Conscience!
Statement of the Central Committee of Communist Ghadar Party of India, 13th October, 2011
The Communist Ghadar Party of India condemns in the strongest possible terms the savage physical attack on the respected lawyer and activist, Prashant Bhushan, when he was giving an interview to a TV channel on October 12, 2011.
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Comrade Gursharan Singh
Comrade Gursharan Singh, the renowned cultural activist, dramatist and revolutionary intellectual passed away at the age of 82 on September 27, 2011. Mazdoor Ekta Lehar mourns his untimely death and extends its profound sympathies to the bereaved family of Comrade Gursharan Singh.
Continue readingPetrol price hike is an attack on the living standards of millions of working families!
Withdraw customs and excise duties on oil and all its products, to bring down the retail price!
Statement of the CC of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, 23 September, 2011
Whenever the price of petrol or diesel is raised the government claims that it is because of the “unaffordable subsidy”. This is a blatant lie because petroleum product consumption is being heavily taxed in our country and not at all subsidized. The “subsidy” in the central budget is less than one-tenth the total taxes collected from petroleum products.
Continue readingMeeting on “Sovereignty – in whose hands?”
The question of where sovereignty lies and should lie, in a modern society, has been posed very starkly by recent developments in our country and throughout the world. A public meeting was organized on 11th September 2011 by Lok Raj Sangathan in Delhi on this important issue. It was attended by activists from the movement for empowerment of people.
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