Communiqué of the 13th plenum of the Central Committee of CGPI

The 13th plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India was convened in the first week of June 2008.  Reviewing the situation in the world and in India, the plenum noted that capitalism is in acute crisis and the liberalisation and privatisation program is greatly discredited.  This offers an opportunity for the working class and communist movement to make a

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Experience of CPI(M) rule in West Bengal reveals

Capitalist reforms cannot be implemented with a human face

The discrediting of CPI(M) rule is an inevitable result of following the path of managing the bourgeois state for more than thirty years. It is the logical conclusion of expanding the space for capitalism to grow in West Bengal, at the expense of the rights and livelihood of workers and peasants.

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Buddhadeb’s apology is not acceptable! This is not communism!

Use of force against political rivals and to quell all opposition among the people, for the sake of promoting one’s own party’s interest, has nothing to do with communism. Communists work for advancing the interests of the working class. Their aim is to bring the working class and peasantry to power, not to establish and defend a party dictatorship by fire and sword. It is the bourgeoisie that resorts to violence and terror to safeguard and strengthen its rule.

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No to the Indo-US strategic alliance!

Demand public debate and parliamentary approval!

Statement of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, September 9, 2007

The UPA Government is rushing headlong into a strategic alliance with one of the most dangerous powers hated by wide sections of people in our country – US imperialism.

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