
Kanpur Resolution 2000: One working class, one program, one communist party!

KanpurConf2000.jpgThe workers, peasants, women and youth of India are waging an extremely difficult struggle today, in defence of their livelihood and rights, against the stepped up attacks by the bourgeoisie. All over the country, workers are fighting against privatisation, closures, layoffs, contract labour, intensified exploitation and insecurity of employment. Peasants are rising up in opposition to the penetration, domination and plunder of agriculture by the multinational and Indian monopoly companies in the name of liberalisation and globalisation. Broad masses of people are fighting against the terror unleashed on them by the armed forces of the Indian state. They are fighting against the remnants of feudalism, including the hated Brahmanical caste system that continues to oppress the toilers…

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What kind of Communist Party

Part-2: A Party that empowers the working class requires the basic organization at its foundation

The modern Communist Party is not an electoral machine. It is an instrument for the empowerment of the working class and all the oppressed. The Communist Party must work to ensure that the working class leads all of society out of its current crisis.

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The Working Class has to Hoist the Banner of Uncompromising Struggle Against Globalisation, Liberalisation and Privatisation

Workers and working people, while fighting in defence of their rights and interests, must not restrict themselves to the bounds of a defensive struggle. The working class has the responsibility of putting forth a broad vision of an alternative to the course of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation in front of the entire country.  

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Privatisation of the Insurance Sector

Worker's Opposition Gaining Momentum 

Lakhs of insurance employees have been waging struggle over the past two months against the introduction of the Insurance privatisation bill in parliament. On December 1, a country-wide strike was observed. Earlier on November 29, massive rallies and dharnas were staged in Delhi as well as all the state capitals.

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Second Congress Report:
Challenge facing Indian communists

This report entitled Preparing for the Coming Storms- Challenge Facing Indian Communists, presented by Comrade Lal Singh, General Secretary of the Communist Ghadar Party of ndia, on behalf of its Central Committee, was discussed and adopted at the Second Congress of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, held in October 1998. By decision of the Second Congress, this report has been edited for publication.

The publication also includes a Summary of the Proceedings of the Second Congress of the CGP , the Resolutions adopted by the Second Congress and the Messages of Greetings received from sister parties and organisations.

Click on the image to open the PDF.

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