Indian arms exports to Israel deserves to be condemned

 Indian arms exports to Israel at this time constitute a flagrant violation of the United Nation’s Convention on Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. They are an outright violation of the rulings of the ICJ, which uphold that “all states are under obligation not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation arising from the unlawful presence of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories.”

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Joint Statement Issued on 18 July 2024 by 11 Railway Workers’ Organisations and Central Trade Unions:
Demand accountability of Ministers and other high authorities for the large number of preventable accidents in the Indian Railways resulting in deaths, injuries and loss of public property!

Stop the violation of all safety norms and procedures by any railway authority for the accidents in the Indian Railways!

Fill all vacant positions in the safety category in Indian Railways!

India is rapidly becoming the railway accident capital of the world. The frequency of accidents is alarming both passengers and rail workers.

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Two faced political parties of the ruling class

I am sure every politically conscious person would completely agree with the thoughts expressed in the article. In particular I would like to draw attention to the following para of the article:

“The existing system and political process are designed to defend and maintain the rule of the bourgeoisie, headed by the monopoly capitalists. Rival parties of the bourgeoisie take turns to wield the executive power. When they are in opposition they pretend to be opposed to the monopoly capitalists but when they get the chance to wield executive power they implement the same program of enriching the monopoly capitalists.”

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Modi visit to Russia:
Reaffirming strong ties of Indian ruling class with Russia

The visit took place at a time when the US is trying its best to build a coalition of powers to isolate Russia. In fact, around the same time as Modi’s visit to Russia, a summit meeting of NATO was being held to condemn Russia and pledge support for Ukraine. Modi’s decision to visit Russia at this time, and as the first state visit of his third time in office, shows the importance that the Indian ruling class places on maintaining and strengthening its relations with its long term ally, Russia

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NATO Summit in Washington:
NATO is the premier weapon of US imperialism’s aggressive warmongering strategy worldwide

From its inception, NATO has been a weapon in the hands of US imperialism to realise its agenda of complete world domination. The end of the Cold War has only made US imperialism and NATO more greedy for absolute power and more aggressive. All countries and peoples who value peace and security, and the freedom of all nations to chart their own course must strongly condemn NATO as an enemy of mankind.

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