Workers highlight their concerns against the Four Labour Codes

Report from a correspondent of Mazdoor Ekta Committee

The newly formed central government has declared it will implement in the coming months, the Labour Codes which were passed in the Parliament in 2020.

The National Federation of Unorganised and Migrant Workers (NFUMW) has expressed its grave concern on this issue. The federation has pointed out that under these labour codes, workers are being deprived of rights which they have won through decades of struggle.

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Lok Sabha Elections 2024:
Kisan Andolan – The Way Forward

Report by Mazdoor Ekta Committee’s correspondent
“A few monopoly capitalist companies wish to dominate the whole world. From my experience of the last 40 years, I can say that the root of all the problems, is the capitalist system.” These were the brave sentiments expressed by Shri Surjeet Singh Phul, President of Bharatiya Kisan Union Krantikari (Punjab). He was addressing the meeting on ‘Lok Sabha Elections 2024: Kisan Andolan – The Way Forward’ organized by Mazdoor Ekta Committee on 26th May 2024. Activists from all corners of the country and abroad, actively involved in the struggle to defend the rights of workers, peasants, women and youth, attended the meeting in large numbers.

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18th Lok Sabha Election Results:
Attempt to shore up the sagging credibility of the political system

Statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, 8th June, 2024
The task facing workers, peasants, women and youth is to strengthen our fighting unity and escalate our struggle against the bourgeois offensive, in defence of our livelihood and rights. We must wage this struggle with the strategic aim of establishing our own rule – that is, the rule of workers and peasants in place of the rule of the bourgeoisie.

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Israel’s utter contempt of the ICJ and world opinion

On May 24, the United Nation’s International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued an order for Israel to immediately stop its invasion of Rafah. This followed the launching of the latest military offensive by Israel on Rafah starting May 7.

Israel has continued its relentless attacks on Rafah in blatant defiance of the ICJ order. Relief camps sheltering the Palestinians forced to flee from the other parts of Gaza are being systematically attacked.

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