Letter to Editor: US imperialism is the most ferocious enemy of humanity

The in-depth article entitled `US imperialism is the most ferocious enemy of humanity’ carried in the September 16-30, 2018 issue of MEL is significant. It brings out the essence of this dominant feature of our era in no uncertain terms, and also arms the working class with a plan to take the work of revolution forward. It is important to know what the precise modus operandi of the imperialists is at this time and also to discover where the chinks in the arms of imperialism is in order to break the impasse. As in the era of Lenin, the present era is also one where imperialism is ripe and rife with contradictions, and it is important also to know where it is weakest so that the weakest link in the chain may be broken.

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Letters to Editor – On the 71st anniversary of Indian independence

I am writing in reponse to the Statement of the CC of the CGPI dated 1-8-2018 which is entitled ‘On the 71st anniversary of Indian independence: India will be truly independent only when people are empowered’ which was carried in the August 1-15, 2018 issue of MEL. This is an important theoretical and practical article and must be studied by the working class and those in the revolutionary camp. It is an example of the living science of Marxism-Leninism which is based on dialectical materialism and class struggle. In particular, it is the application of this in the sphere of political economy that brings out the nature of the State. It is especially important because of the vast confusion surrounding the nature of the State and of Democracy in India.

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Letters to the Editor – The real aim of the NRC is to create division amongst people

On 30th July the second and final draft of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) of Assam was released. The tension that this provoked in the country and particularly in Assam is not unexpected. It only confirms the analysis given in the 16-31 July issue of the Mazdoor Ekta Lehar wherein the issue of NRC was taken up.

The article clearly stated that “The entire exercise of creating a National Register for Citizens for Assam is being carried out in a manner that criminalises the people, terrorizes them and smashes their unity. It is laying the grounds for intensification of communal and sectarian divisions of the people of Assam”

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Letters to the Editor

Imperialist lies and justification

I am writing to thank you for carrying the bold and principled Statement of the CGPI dated 14 April 2018 entitled ‘Condemn the brutal missile attacks on Syria’. Indeed, as the statement says, all peace loving people of the worlds must unite to condemn the USA, the UK and France, the so-called `allies’ in carrying out this barbaric act which is a flagrant violation of international law.

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