Dear Editor, Congratulations for publishing the brilliant article entitled “What is the Trouble and who is the Troublemaker in Manipur?” It has done much to shine a brilliant light to uncover the truth behind the fog of lies that appear in the mainstream media as well as on many social
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Who is the trouble maker in Manipur?
I am writing to you in response to your article “What is the trouble and who is the trouble maker in Manipur?” At the outset I would like to express my anguish at the criminal violence that has taken toll of so many innocent lives in the state. The article
Continue readingWomen Wrestler’s struggle
Dear Editor, This is in response to the series of articles and MEC reports published on women wrestlers’ struggle. I appreciate and thank MEL for bringing out the articles and reports. MEL has once again covered the very important issue of women’s safety and dignity at their work place. I
Continue readingGig Workers
Dear Editor I am writing to express my appreciation for the timely article titled “Gig Workers: Heightened capitalist exploitation” published in MEL web on 21st May’23. I would like to commend MEL for raising important concerns regarding the conditions of gig workers and shedding light on the problems they face
Continue readingWorkers cannot tail behind this or that bourgeois party!
Dear Editor,
This letter is in reference to the article “Karnataka Elections 2023: Illusion of Change.” This important article must be spread widely in the working class.
Continue readingParis Commune
Dear Editor, Recently in a conference of over 120 countries organized by the US government called “Summit for Democracy” it was declared: “We, the leaders of the Summit for Democracy, reaffirm our shared belief that democracy – government reflecting the effective participation and will of the people – is humanity’s
Continue readingLetter to Editor in response to two pieces on Palestine in 2023
Dear Editor, The two articles on Palestine on the CGPI website within 2023 – ‘Heroic struggle of Palestinian people for their homeland continues’ and ‘Escalation of Israeli aggression and violence against the Palestinian people’ clearly reveal the powerlessness of the UN in matters of the rights of peoples and nations.
Continue readingTwo years of the kisans’ occupation of Delhi’s borders
Dear Editor, MEL The article on the occasion of two years of the kisans’ occupation of Delhi’s borders, published on 26th November, 2022, was very educative. There was lively discussion of this article in the party unit to which I belong. Through discussion we understood more deeply the following profound
Continue readingIndia’s growth story excludes the masses
The Editor Mazdoor Ekta Lehar Sir I wish to refer to the media report of October 15, that India has been ranked 107 out of 121 countries in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2022. It has been ranked worse than neighbouring countries Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh. Among the
Continue readingCrimes of the US imperialists
Dear, The article published on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack accurately points out that the United States of America “is the state which has repeatedly violated every rule and norm of state-to-state relations that has been agreed upon since the Second World War.” The
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