Bhopal gas tragedy

Dear Editor, Your article on the Bhopal gas tragedy of 9 December brings back horrific memories. I was young then, and did not understand who was responsible for this ‘gross neglect’. Indeed this was the worst industrial disaster and a heinous crime against the thousands of workers of our country.

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Two faced political parties of the ruling class

I am sure every politically conscious person would completely agree with the thoughts expressed in the article. In particular I would like to draw attention to the following para of the article:

“The existing system and political process are designed to defend and maintain the rule of the bourgeoisie, headed by the monopoly capitalists. Rival parties of the bourgeoisie take turns to wield the executive power. When they are in opposition they pretend to be opposed to the monopoly capitalists but when they get the chance to wield executive power they implement the same program of enriching the monopoly capitalists.”

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Guaranteeing Minimum Support Prices

Dear Editor, I am writing in response to the article titled ‘Guaranteeing Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for all agricultural products is both necessary and possible’ published on 7th Mar 2024 on web edition of MEL. The article is very informative, easy to comprehend, a myth buster and an eye opener.

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Capitalist greed over their lives.

Dear Editor, Your article, on ammonia gas leak at the CIL factory on January 11, 2024, reported the anger and concern of the people affected by ammonia gas leak. The demonstration held by affected people is a just response, as it impacts on their health. It reminds us of the

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Red salute to our Party

Dear Editor, Red salute to our Party for struggling relentlessly against the exploitative capitalist system for the last 43 years and growing stronger in its conviction that this system can be and will be uprooted by the toiling masses one day! The speech published on the occasion of the 43rd anniversary

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Who Rules India?

Dear Editor, “Who Rules India?” The book recently brought out by the CGPI is just what the doctor ordered for the working class of our country! I participated in one of the discussions on the book that the Party had organised recently. Many of us had already bought the book

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Crisis in Manipur

Dear Editor, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to you for publishing “Continuing Crisis in Manipur” on 9.9.23 on your website. It is such an enlightening and logically argued article. The first thing that struck me was that the goings on in the Manipur Assembly as well as the

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