Power to Decide

Power to Decide

Power to DecideVoice of the Communist Ghadar Party of India on the Power to Decide

This publication contains three statements issued by the Central Committee of Communist Ghadar Party on 1st, 18th & 28th Aug, 2011.

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Opening up of retail trade to foreign giant corporations

The Government of India is trying to mislead the toiling majority of people by claiming that capitalist monopolies in retail will help to control food prices. The real objective of the monopolies is not to provide essential items at affordable prices but to reap maximum profits at the expense of the producers. The real aim of the government is to enable this to happen. It does not want to accept its responsibility of ensuring that the livelihood of producers is secured, that food is available to people at prices they can afford through efficiently managed procurement and distribution and not allowing trade in essential items to be a profit making activity.

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Mass upsurge against the corrupt Indian democracy

Growing political unity around the aim of people’s empowerment

Throughout the length and breadth of the country, crores of our people from all walks of life came onto the streets expressing intense anger against the corrupt political and economic system. They were inspired to express support to Anna Hazare and his satyagraha, or struggle for truth.

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On the tenth anniversary of 9/11

Ten years of unjust wars and violation of sovereignty under concocted pretexts

Ten years after that horrific event, it is now clear that the terrorist attack of 9/11 was the launching pad for a fascist military campaign to assert and impose the hegemony of US imperialism on the global scale.  It was either a remarkable piece of good fortune for US imperialism, or a clandestine diabolical plot masterminded by the US imperialists themselves. US imperialism has clearly been the principal political beneficiary.

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Hands off Syria!

The truth is that, with cold-blooded cynicism, the US imperialists and their allies are using the widespread conditions of domestic unrest that have affected a large number of countries and states across the whole of northern Africa and parts of western Asia this year, to strike mortal blows against those states and governments that have challenged their interests in the region as well as those of their henchmen, the Israeli Zionists.  Libya, Syria and Iran have all, at different times and to different degrees, opposed the imperialist designs in the region.  They have actively supported the Palestinian and other peoples fighting against imperialism and zionism.

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CAG Report on Air India

Confirmation of the crimes of the management and the government

The Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) on Air India covering the period 2005-10 has unequivocally indicted the management and the government for the purchase of 50 Boeing aircraft.

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