The situation in Libya is grave. The imperialists are preparing to introduce ground troops to occupy Libya or partition the country, as the present level of intervention in the form of weapons, special forces, assassination squads and tactical leadership has proven insufficient.
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Scramble for Libyan Oil Reserves
Why are the imperialists so desperate to get rid of Gaddafi and install a pliant regime? This must be seen in the context of the inter imperialist conflicts over the redivision of Africa, rich in natural resources. Libya is one of the few countries in Africa (others are Sudan, Zimbabwe, Ivory Coast, Eritrea) which are not part of AFRICOM, the newest of Pentagon commands for the African and Mediterranean Basin region.
Continue readingImperialists instigate civil war in Ivory Coast
A grave situation has developed in Africa with the marauding imperialist powers plunging entire countries into chaos and anarchy in order to advance their imperialist aims.
Continue readingMassive protests in US against spending cuts and anti–labour legislation
Teachers and union members marched in the streets of Philadelphia to protest the state education budget that contains a massive 54 percent cut to public higher education spending. Education cuts lead to tuition fee hikes, making education unaffordable for many youth.
Continue readingGreece petroleum workers strike
Employees of Hellenic Petroleum launched a 10-day strike on 3rd April 2011 that could disrupt the supply of the market with fuel in the coming days. The employees at EL.PE are striking in demand of "the safe staffing of the new units that are commencing operation at the (EL.PE) industrial installations in Thessaloniki and Elefsina". (ANA-MPA).
Continue readingFinland paper workers strike
Hundreds of Finnish workers have started a two week strike at selected paper making plants aimed at speeding stalled wage talks. The trade union says the walkouts began in the first week of April 2011 and include some 1,000 members. They are expected to cause plant closures, mostly at UPM- Kymmene Corp.'s factories.
Continue readingSupport the just struggle of the Resident Doctors of Maharashtra!
Increased allocation of financial resources for providing health care in the public hospitals. This is required for uninterrupted full supply of life saving medicines and instruments required for life saving procedures in the peripheral and district hospitals throughout the state. Currently there is a huge shortage of these items.
Continue readingVoltas workers fight for rights
The workers of Voltas in Mumbai are on the path of struggle. Voltas is a profit making company belong to the Tata Group. The workers of Voltas have been fighting for revision of their wages and have put forward a charter of demands.
Continue readingFilm workers of AP call for strike
Thousands of film workers of Andhra Pradesh have declared they will go on strike from April 8. The workers are demanding a hike in their wages, but Telugu film producers are refusing to discuss their demands. "Workers of all the 24 crafts will not participate in any shooting from tomorrow until our demands are met," leaders of the A P Film Industry Employees Federation (APFIEF) declared.
Continue readingGoa steel workers strike work
Contract workers in a steel making plant in Sanguem taluka in Goa began an indefinite strike on April 5, 2011. Over 250 workers gathered outside the factory gates shouting slogans against the management. The striking workers are demanding better working conditions.
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