All India Postal Employees Union has threatened to go on an indefinite nationwide strike in support of their demands.
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General Motor workers strike continues
The strike by workers of General Motors India (GMI) at the Halol plant in Gujarat continues. 900 temporary workers of the car plant are on strike since March 16, 2011.
Continue readingAgitation for regularization by contract workers of ACC (Holcim)
Contract workers of ACC (Holcim), a multinational cement company, in Chhattisgarh, have started an indefinite dharna from April 3, 2011, demanding the implementation of a High Court order for their regularization and for implementation of the Cement Wage Board Award.
Continue readingUnorganised workers Federation extends their solid support for Com. Wilson
National Leader of Unorganised workers Federation, Katida Thozhilar Panchayat Sangam (Construction workers union), Pennurimai Iyakkam (Organization for Women’sRights) Ms. Geetha, had called on the all workers to vote for Com Wilson, in a meeting at Arumanai Junction. Meeting in which many construction worker participated, Com.Geetha stated the fact that workers conditions have not improved, in spite of change of governments.

Past and Present leads to Future, but on new foundations
Com.Wilson’s election campaign took us to all those places and collectives where Com.Das set his imprint by his work as a communist and revolutionary working class leader. We went to Ganapathy Kal, more like a remote island detached from other places by a big lake, mountains and distance. This hilly and beautiful place has scenic vast expanse of tall green rubber trees to the extent eyes can see. People were reminded by the struggles of the people of this region against the private Rubber Estate owner and the police firing on workers in 80s. Our comrades led these struggles against the estate owners and the subsequent state repression.
Wilson’s Campaign provides clarity in the midst of chaos orchestrated by the capitalist parties
5 April 2011, Kanyakumari: While election campaign of the 3 fronts focus on the issue of corruption, what they are going to offer as free and projects they are going to bring, the campaign of Wilson focuses on rights of the people and how and when the workers and peasants will rule this country. Comrades have prepared an audio CD containing key points and slogans of our Campaign and this was being played in various places.
Campaign of people’s candidate is funded by people themselves!
On the second day of the election campaign at Kanyakumari, before beginning the work, all comrades gathered together and studied and briefly discussed the statement issued by the central committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India. All of them welcomed the contents of the statement which very clearly states what line communists must take at this time and during the elections.
People’s candidate – Wilson has kick started the election Campaign in Tamil Nadu
CGPI leaflet has explained the nature of the current system as rule of monopoly capitalists in the service of the capitalist class. If the problems of the people were to be resolved, then the workers and peasants of our country have to come to power. It has called on all workers and peasants to get organized to win the power from the hands of the self serving capitalists. These leaflets were received by the people with great enthusiasm.