What the Radia Tapes actually expose: Dictate of capitalist monopoly houses is the real content of multi-party representative democracy

For several months, copies of what have come to be known as the Radia tapes have been circulating in the print and electronic media. A great deal of noise is being made by various capitalists and parties that represent them in Parliament about the allotment of 2G Spectrum by the Telecom Ministry, and other lucrative contracts having been distributed on the basis of deals between individual ministers and monopoly capitalists.

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Indo US alliance

Sir, I am writing to thank you for carrying the article entitled “Indo-US strategic alliance is an imperialist alliance! It is against the interests of India and world’s peoples”. I would like to point out that the article is in the finest tradition of Marxism-Leninism analyzing the ground realities of the world situation.

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Hail the Fourth Congress of our Party

Sir, I am writing to thank you for carrying the report on the Fourth Congress of the Communist Ghadar Party of India that took place in October 2010. The Congress has taken place as we approach the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of our revolutionary and patriotic party, and in the midst of the all round crisis of credibility of the bourgeoisie, its politics and its state. This has also been a period when the objective conditions for revolution have been ripening, whereas it is also the one where the subjective conditions have been definitely lagging behind.

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