Intensification of degree of exploitation of workers in manufacturing

The total value produced by labour (GDP) during 2007/08 was Rs.40.4 lakh crore, according to the National Accounts Statistics (NSA). The working class received wages of Rs.13.1 lakh crore in 2007/08. Toiling peasants and other small producers received Rs.12.5 lakh crore as their net income. The bourgeois class, which does no work, earned income in the form of profit, interest and rent of Rs.14.9 lakh crore, or 37% of the total value produced in 2007/08.

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We deeply mourn

Mazdoor Ekta Lehar expresses its profound grief to the families of the 158 passengers and crew of the Air India Plane from Dubai that crashed in Mangalore Airport in the early hours of May 22, 2010. Hundreds of people have lost their sole bread earner in this tragedy.

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Greek workers revolt against the attacks on their wages and living conditions

Greece is in the grip of an all-round economic and political crisis. With the government on the verge of financial bankruptcy, the European Union (EU) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have demanded ‘austerity’ measures. They want the Government of Greece to attack the wages and living conditions of the working class, particularly of the Public Sector workers, as a pre-condition for bailing the government out. On May 6, 2010, the social-democratic PASOK government of Greece passed the so-called austerity measures in parliament, as prescribed by the EU and the IMF.

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May Day – symbol of the strength and consciousness of the international working class

For more than 100 years, the 1st of May has come to symbolise the united struggle of the international working class against the capitalist system.  When workers anywhere rally together and raise the red flag on this day – whether at the gates of their factory, on the streets of their cities, or across their countries – they are part of the international army of the proletariat.

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May Day celebrated with militant fervour all over the world

May Day 2010 was marked by demonstrations and rallies of tens of thousands of workers in countries all over the world. Workers protested against the attacks by the capitalists on their jobs, wages and working conditions. They denounced their governments for defending the interests of the capitalists and vowed to intensify the struggle in defence of the rights of the working people. They raised their voice against imperialist war and for solidarity of the working people of all countries.

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