Sir, I would like to join the CC of the CGPI in extending warm greetings to the working class on May Day 2010 and would like to second its call in its statement entitled “Employment, food, shelter; education, health care; water and electricity are our Rights!’’
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Mumbai Suburban train drivers strike work in defence of their livelihood
On May 4, 2010, Mumbai was brought to a grinding halt as a result of the strike of Suburban train drivers. The impact of the strike reverberated in the halls of parliament. Only after the Union Government announced that it would address the demands of the motormen by June 15 2010, did the motormen announce the temporary suspension of their agitation. The motormen had made their point, not only to the Railway Ministry, but to the whole country.
Continue readingEmployment, food, shelter; education, health care; water and electricity are our Rights!
Call of the Communist Ghadar Party of India on the occasion of May Day 2010
If we honestly sum up our experience, we workers of India must admit that our struggle has been weakened by narrow party politics. Such politics has divided us and diverted us from the struggle against the capitalist class. Parties whose aim is to come to power at any cost have raised slogans against privatization and liberalization, but have implemented the same once in power. Parties that are active in the working class movement have collaborated in the capitalist land grab in the name of industrialization. Such class conciliation has resulted in weakening our struggle against the bourgeois offensive. It has assisted the bourgeoisie in intensifying the exploitation of the working class.
Continue readingCapitalist system ensures maximum exploitation of the working class
Recently the Delhi Government announced an increase in the minimum wages effective 1st February 2010. As per the revised wages, the minimum monthly wage for an unskilled worker will be Rs. 5,278. This increase is the result of the persistent struggle of workers, trade unions and other organizations like the Mazdoor Ekta Committee.
Continue readingGreece: Workers reject government’s plans to make people pay for the crisis
Through massive protests and demonstrations on the streets of Athens and other towns, the working people of Greece have rejected the plans of the government to make the people pay for the crisis.
Continue reading‘Step up the struggle to assert the claims of labour on the social surplus!’
The Editor,
I am extremely thankful to you for carrying the statement of the CC of the CGPI entitled 'Step up the struggle to assert the claims of labour on the social surplus!' in the April 1-15 issue of PV.
Continue readingParty celebrates centenary year of International Women’s Day
Hundreds of activists and supporters of the Party — women and girls, men and youth — participated enthusiastically in a meeting organized by the Communist Ghadar Party of India in Delhi on April 11, 2010. The meeting was organized by the Party as part of the countrywide celebrations of the struggle of Indian women for their emancipation, in this the centenary year of the declaration of International Women’s Day.
Continue readingGovernment sneaks in privatisation in the name of disinvestment: Working class must oppose privatization in all its forms
On April 8, 2010 the UPA government’s Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs gave its approval for the disinvestment of 5% of the Government of India’s shareholding in the Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL), one of the giant Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs). The approval also covered the issue of fresh shares to the extent of 5% of its existing share capital.
Continue readingNational Food Security Bill: Blatant assault on the right of the working masses to guaranteed food
The UPA government is preparing to introduce a bill in parliament that is called the “National Food Security Bill”. Mazdoor Ekta Lehar condemns this bill as a blatant assault on the right of the working masses to guaranteed food. Far from ensuring any food security, the aim of this bill is to create the illusion that the UPA government is concerned about eradicating hunger and malnutrition, while in fact the bill guarantees nothing to the working masses of town and country.
Continue readingOn the 140th Birth Anniversary of V.I. Lenin: Long live Leninism!
April 22 marks the 140th anniversary of the birth of one of the great classics of Marxism-Leninism, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. It was under the leadership of the Great Lenin that the Russian communists organised the working class and toiling masses of Russia to establish the first state of the workers and peasants on this earth.
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