Nationalisation of domestic wholesale trade and foreign trade is needed to protect the interests of workers and peasants

The workers and peasants must demand that the state guarantee procurement of all agricultural produce at remunerative prices for the cultivators, and ensure its supply to the consumers at an affordable price. For this to be ensured, the central and state governments must take charge of wholesale internal trade as well as foreign trade and link them to a modern public distribution system.

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Celebration of 43rd Anniversary of the Communist Ghadar Party of India

The occasion of the 43rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Ghadar Party of India was celebrated in many places during the last week of December, both within the country and abroad. Comrade Prakash Rao, Spokesperson of the Party, delivered an important speech on this occasion, on behalf of the Central Committee, titled ‘Let us advance the struggle for a modern democracy in which workers and peasants will set the agenda!

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