Gujarat genocide



I am writing to thank you for carrying the article entitled “Ten years after the Gujarat genocide: The heinous crimes of the rulers against our people will never be forgotten or forgiven!'' published in the March 1-15, 2012 issue of MEL. The sobering article is remarkable in its clarity in presentation of facts, the perspective it presents and the conclusions it draws from these. The article shows that violence against the people is part and parcel of the arsenal of the ruling circles in India. It shows the cravenness of the big bourgeoisie in that it promotes precisely those individuals who have carried out the worst atrocities against the people of India as the present and future leaders of the country.

The flip side of this is why should not the people of India demand that these individuals be thrown out, and such a ruling class eliminated? The answer is that the present Constitution of India safeguards such individuals and such interests. This then begs the question as to why the people of India should not militate to replace this system by another?

Indeed, the struggle for justice of the victims of Gujarat of 2002 and of the 1984 anti-Sikh riots then becomes part and parcel of the struggle for the liberation of India. Central to the struggle then is the nature of the political and economic system, the nature of the instruments of statecraft, and the search for answers out of this state of affairs.

The article points out that there is now a demand from the ruling circles to `forgive and forget' which is essential for them to present themselves as a responsible power, to make India a safe haven for international capital and finance, and for Indian capitalists to continue their relentless plunder and gain the maximum rate of profit. The people of India must expose these designs of the ruling circles and should not let them off the hook.

The article points out that the only way to prevent such atrocities in the future is for the rule of the people led by the working class. I would like to express my full support to this point of view. Let us all work together to ensure that this becomes a reality on the soil of India. Already too much time has been lost. We cannot afford to wait much longer.


S. Nair, Kochi

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