In the month of August, rebel forces in Libya backed by NATO firepower took control of the capital city of Tripoli.
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Necessity for people’s empowerment
People cannot hand their entire power to their representatives; they need to have power to exercise control over their representatives. The party system of rule has to be eliminated. The role of political parties needs to be redefined to ensure that they become instruments of the people to become the rulers. People’s organisations and not political parties must select and reject candidates. They should have the right to recall those representatives who act against the mandate given to them by the people of their constituency. People must have the right to initiate legislation or propose amendments to legislations, as well as the right to vote on important issues through a referendum.
Continue readingBomb blast in Delhi High Court
None of the terror attacks that have taken place in our country in the past decade have been solved. Their organizers have never been identified, caught, tried and punished. Are we expected to believe that the government is really clueless about the organizers, or it is possible that it is covering up for them?
Continue readingOppose the massive hike in electricity bills in Delhi
Statement of the Delhi Regional Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, September 9, 2011
Private companies have taken over the massive infrastructure, equipment, offices, substations and real estate belonging to the Delhi government for a song. New meters have been forcibly installed, which the workmen who install say are doctored. The workers who come to fix lines are contract labour. The only permanent staff is those who are near retirement, or are collecting bills.
Continue readingNo justification for violating the self-determination of nations and peoples!
A great tragedy for the peoples and complication in the struggle for self-determination arose through the betrayal of principles by the Soviet Union headed by the Khrushchevites. While restoring capitalist exploitation and national oppression within, the Soviet Union emerged as a full-fledged social-imperialist power, contending and colluding with the US for domination over the globe. The Soviet social-imperialists proclaimed the nefarious theory of “limited sovereignty” to justify their efforts to dominate the countries of people’s democracy in Eastern Europe. In the name of opposing US imperialism, they intervened in the affairs of a number of countries in Europe, Africa and Asia. The invasions of Czechoslovakia in 1968 and of Afghanistan in 1979 showed the extent to which the rulers of the Soviet Union had departed from the principles originally laid down in that country.
Continue readingGeneral Strike in Italy to protest government’s “austerity” measures
Hundreds of thousands of working people in Italy observed a day-long strike on September 6, 2011, against the latest “austerity” measures of the Italian government.
Continue readingMercy Petitions: The real culprits remain unpunished!
What is common in all three cases is that the courts, from the trial courts to the Supreme Court, passed political judgments based on concocted evidence by the state. The ruling class whipped up passions and the courts passed judgments accordingly. The court verdicts are a continuation of the policy of state terrorism unleashed by the Indian state against the people in these areas.
Continue readingDeteriorating conditions in Manipur
State and individual terrorism, parasitic extortion economy & all-round corruption
As has been noted in the Report of the 4th Congress of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, “Those waging guerilla warfare as part of a ‘protracted people’s war’ in the present period, when revolution is in ebb, are either compelled to give up arms or to become terrorist gangs. Lack of mass support drives such underground parties and groups to use force to collect ‘taxes’ and ‘fines’ from the people, or carry out killings for a fee. Rival capitalist parties use such groups to settle scores among themselves, and to destroy popular movements.”
Continue readingGruesome confirmation of brutal state terror in Kashmir
The horrific truth of the killing in cold blood of thousands of innocent Kashmiris has been confirmed yet again by the report of the State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) which became public on August 17, 2011. The SHRC report has revealed unmarked graves in the three districts of Kupwara, Baramulla and Bandipore in north Kashmir.
Continue readingNavnirman is not far off
At the heart of the crisis is the question as to what constitutes political power in India, what is the genesis of the power, and the question of who wields it and for what purpose. This question is directly related to the question of the 1950 Constitution of India, and what its central premises are. This essence of the latter is the defence of a viciously exploitative system that defends the right of a miniscule minority to exploit the resources and the labour of the vast majority, and the ascendancy of the right of private property.
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