The Maharashtra Government has been forced to concede the demand of workers organisations that mill lands in prime locations of Central and South Mumbai cannot just be sold for real estate value. The workers have opposed closures.
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Fascism and imperialism
Dear Editor,
I am very thankful to you for the important, deeply researched and informative article entitled "The struggle against fascism and imperialism – an integral part of the proletarian revolution'' in the August 1-15, 2010 issue of MEL.
Continue readingIndependence without social revolution
Dear Editor,
I am writing to thank you for publishing the article entitled “Independence without social revolution has only benefited the capitalist minority'' in the August 1-15, 2010 issue of Mazdoor Ekta Lehar.
Continue readingRail engine drivers plan course of struggle
For nearly 3 decades, the government and the railway ministry has been systematically following an anti worker anti people agenda. This is to intensify the exploitation of the engine drivers and others concerned with the running and maintenance of trains and the railways and to ignore implementing safety measures to protect the lives of railmen as well as the passengers.
Continue readingRaymond workers fight for their rights
The Kamgar Utkarsha Sabha, a workers’ union comprising 2,000 employees of Raymond Group, have approached the Bombay High Court seeking a ban on the proposed housing project to be built at the Raymond factory in Thane after closing it down.
Continue readingStruggle in Vedanta Plant in Lanjigarh
Thousands of workers of the Vedanta Aluminum Refining Plant in Lanjigarh, Orissa, went on the war path, when the company suddenly declared their services terminated. About 35 contract workers were reported arrested.
Continue readingFarmers oppose land acquisition for nuclear power plant
Farmers of Gorakhpur-Kumharia village in Fatehabad district of Haryana, where the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NIPCL) plans to set up a power plant, are up in arms against the government's move to acquire their land. On August 17, hundreds of farmers submitted a memorandum to the District Revenue Officer asking the authorities to acquire alternative land for the plant.
Continue readingWorkshop on the emancipation of women
On 15th August 2010, the Purogami Mahila Sangathan (Maharashtra Committee) held a one-day workshop on “The Emancipation of Women” in CHM College, Ulhasnagar (Thane district). They were fully supported in this endeavour by the youthful Ulhasnagar committee of Lok Raj Sangathan. In each of the three sessions there were prepared presentations.
Continue readingAn anti-peasant price regime that has ruined the peasantry
The issue of what price the peasant is able to sell his marketable produce at is very critical in the face of rising input prices being paid by him – it is a question of his livelihood. This has become a matter of serious concern as increasing number of peasants face destitution and ruin.
Continue readingRepeal the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (1958)
Student organisations, Civil and Human Rights organisations, Women's organisations and Trade Unions held a day long protest action at Jantar Mantar in Delhi on August 21, calling for the repeal of AFSPA and such black laws and demanding that no part of it should be made a part of any other law.
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