Glimpse of bourgeoisie’s militarization plans in world context

While dealing with India’s militarization, it must be kept in mind that the US is the worlds most heavily armed power, on all counts, with its armies deployed all over the world. Not only is it the most heavily armed power in the conventional and nuclear sense, it spends 9-12 times as much on military expenditure each year (US $ 515 trillion) as compared with the next set of countries ( France, China, UK, Germany, Japan, Russia, Italy) and 16 times as much as India, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, the second set of countries on the list, on military outlay.

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A significant contribution

The statement of the CC of the CGPI dated January 10, 2010 entitled `Too long have we suffered this colonial style Republic! Working class must reconstitute the Indian Union! ' is an important contribution in the highest tradition of Marxism-Leninism.

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