Trade Unions plan all India strike

Trade Unions are planning for an All India strike in September. A national convention of the nine central trade unions on July 15 will finalise the date of the industrial strike. Price rise and the jump in fuel prices will be the dominant theme for the upcoming strike. Apart from price rise, there are five other issues that are agitating the workers.

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Bihar University workers’ struggle

More than 33,000 non-teaching workers of nine universities and 250 colleges have not received their salaries for the last four months. They have launched an indefinite strike over this issue.The strike has already paralyzed the functioning of all the colleges and universities in the state. All works of admission, examination and teaching have been adversely affected by the strike.

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Plantation workers fight for wage increase

Rubber plantation workers in Kanyakumari District of Tamilnadu, went on an indefinite strike from July 1, 2010, in support of their demand for wage increase. Workers working on private rubber plantations are presently being paid Rs.155/day. The last agreement between workers and the owners was made three years ago and ended on June 30, 2010.

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