Five years after the communal violence in North East Delhi:
Not a riot but an act of state terrorism

Workers, peasants and all other working people need to unite, irrespective of differences in their religious beliefs, against the ruling bourgeois class. We must unite against state terrorism. We must demand that those guilty of attacking any section of the people be severely punished. We must demand that those in charge of the government be held responsible when any section of the people is attacked.

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Role of the World Bank and IMF in India

They have played an important role in assisting the Indian bourgeoisie to steer the country along the capitalist path. They have contributed to the ever-intensifying exploitation and plunder of the land and labour of our country, through which Indian and foreign capitalists have accumulated enormous wealth over the past 77 years and more.

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Delhi Assembly Elections 2025
Fight to implement the agenda of the workers and the toiling masses!

Statement of the Delhi Regional Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, 22 January 2025
We have to get out of this trap of choosing between one party or another that serves the capitalist class. The current capitalist system and the Indian state that protects it are the root cause of all our problems. All the trusted parties of the ruling capitalist class that defend it can never solve our problems.
We workers and toilers must strengthen our unity and our organisation around our common demands. We must intensify our struggles with the aim of ending this capitalist system and the rule of the capitalist class and becoming the masters of this country ourselves.

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A day off from work:
Struggle of the mill workers of Mumbai

Recently, some well-known industry chiefs have been prescribing a long work week of 70 hours and even 90 hours in the name of contributing to our country’s development goals. They are ignoring the fact that an 8-hour day with one day of rest in a week is the law. It is important not to allow the capitalists to get away with this. This is an occasion to recall the history of struggle through which the working class of India succeeded in establishing this law.

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Indian Government must immediately resolve the Fishermen’s Crisis

The recent firing of the Sri Lankan navy on an Indian fishing boat has come as a stark reminder that the problem faced by the fishermen in Tamilnadu needs urgent attention. The recurring arrests of Indian fishermen by Sri Lanka in the Palk Strait impacting the lives of thousands of fishing families in Tamil Nadu have become a persistent flashpoint in bilateral relations between India and Sri Lanka.

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Ceasefire Agreement in Gaza:
Long live the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people for their national rights

Over the past fifteen months, the Palestinian people have shown to the whole world their indomitable spirit, and their determination to continue the struggle, no matter what sacrifices it entails, to end the Israeli occupation of their homeland.
The Communist Ghadar Party of India salutes the heroic Palestinian people and their just struggle. The people of India are one with the Palestinian people in this struggle.

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