Solidarity with Air India workers

Sir, I am writing to express my support to the workers of Air India in their struggle against the dictatorial management authorities as well as the Minister for Civil Aviation, towards redressal of their genuine grievances. I fully endorse the demand raised by CGPI that the termination and suspension of Air India Union activists be immediately revoked. The attacks on the unions of workers in terms of “derecognition” and sealing of offices must be immediately ended.

Sir, I am writing to express my support to the workers of Air India in their struggle against the dictatorial management authorities as well as the Minister for Civil Aviation, towards redressal of their genuine grievances. I fully endorse the demand raised by CGPI that the termination and suspension of Air India Union activists be immediately revoked. The attacks on the unions of workers in terms of “derecognition” and sealing of offices must be immediately ended.

The Mazdoor Ekta Lehar points out that there are innumerable grievances including safety issues of the workers as well as those of the passengers and general public, which have been ignored by the management, in addition to wage issues, none of which can be remotely considered frivolous.  Management must pay heed to these with no delay.

As in all struggles of this kind, it must be realized that this is part of the general struggle of the working people of India groaning under the ever increasing burden that is being placed on them due to the insatiable appetite for profits.  The history of the working peoples of the last couple of centuries show that there is indeed a way out for workers which is one of organization based on the most advanced principles.  The workers of today must prepare the grounds so that the socialist sun may shine on India tomorrow.

They must be ever watchful of conciliators in their camp and educate themselves and gain the confidence that they indeed are the masters of the country and their own destiny.  The CGPI is an integral part of this struggle and is at the forefront of the struggle.

A. Narayan, Bangalore


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