Workers, peasants and all other working people need to unite, irrespective of differences in their religious beliefs, against the ruling bourgeois class. We must unite against state terrorism. We must demand that those guilty of attacking any section of the people be severely punished. We must demand that those in charge of the government be held responsible when any section of the people is attacked.
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Five years after the communal violence in North East Delhi:
On the 32nd anniversary of the demolition of Babri Masjid:
Unite against the communal divisive politics of the ruling class!
Call of the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, 29 November 2024
The people of India have nothing to gain and much to lose by supporting calls for the destruction of mosques which were allegedly built after demolishing temples hundreds of years ago. Such acts of revenge only serve to spread hatred and enmity between people of different religious faiths. They serve to destroy the unity of workers and peasants against the exploitative and oppressive rule of the bourgeoisie.
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Onward with the struggle to end communal violence and all forms of state terrorism! An attack on one is an attack on all!
Statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, 25 October 2024
The struggle against communal violence and all forms of state terrorism must be carried forward by relying on the unity of workers, peasants and all the oppressed, against the ruling capitalist class. We must oppose every attack on the people of any particular religion, as an attack on the entire people and our unity.
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An act of state terrorism that we can neither forget nor forgive
Statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, 2nd June, 2024
We must oppose every act of the State which violates anyone’s right to conscience. An attack on one is an attack on all!
31 years since the Demolition of Babri Masjid:
Unite against the communal politics of the ruling class
Statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, 2 December, 2023
The struggle against communalism and communal violence must be waged with the aim of replacing the existing state of bourgeois rule by a new state of workers’ and peasants’ rule. We need a state that will protect the lives and rights of all human beings, without exception, and severely punish those who violate any human right.
39th anniversary of 1984 genocide of Sikhs:
Lessons from the genocide
Statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, 25 October, 2023
We must wage the struggle against communalism and communal violence with the aim of transforming the political system, so as to replace the rule of the bourgeoisie by the rule of workers, peasants and all other working people. Only then can it be ensured that the right to life, right to conscience, and all other human and democratic rights are guaranteed; and no one is discriminated against on the basis of her or his beliefs.
Condemn the communal violence in Haryana!
Statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, 5 August, 2023
Those in command must be held responsible for the spread of communal hatred and the tragic loss of lives and property in this episode of communal violence in Haryana. It is not this or that section of the people but the state and those in power who are to blame.
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Meeting on the 30th anniversary of the demolition of Babri Masjid:
Struggle Continues Against State Organised Communal Violence and State Terror!
“Struggle Continues Against State Organised Communal Violence and State Terror!”, “An Attack on One Is an Attack on All!” These slogans inscribed on the main banner summed up the resolve of the people participating in a militant protest action at Parliament on December 6, 2022, on the 30th anniversary of the demolition of Babri Masjid.
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Against the release of convicts in the Bilkis Bano case:
Mass protests all over India
Protests actions have been taking place all over the country since August 15, when 11 people, convicted for the gang-rape of Bilkis Bano and murder of her family members in 2002, were released. Expressing their outrage, women and men from all walks of life have been participating in different kinds
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The Indian state is thoroughly communal – Let us unite to advance the struggle for justice!
On 15th August, the 75th anniversary of Indian independence, 11 people convicted of gang-rape and murders during the Gujarat genocide of 2002 were set free. They had been sentenced in 2008 with life imprisonment for the heinous crime of gang-raping a pregnant woman Bilkis Bano, and killing 14 members of her extended family.
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