
Kisans determined to continue to struggle for their demands

The kisan leaders have consistently demanded the immediate reopening of the Shambhu barrier on the Punjab-Haryana border. They are determined to go to Delhi with their tractors and trolleys if and when the barricades at Shambhu are removed, to put forth their demands before the government. It is the democratic right of kisans to do so.  The working class and working people, and all democratic minded people are one with the kisans in their just struggle.

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Powerful protests of farmers throughout Europe

Farmers of member countries of the EU are demanding that their governments implement measures to safeguard their livelihood. They are condemning their governments for pouring billions of Euros into the war against Russia. They are increasingly coming to the conclusion that the European Union represents the interests of the biggest monopoly capitalists of Europe, and that it does not care for their interests.

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Sugarcane farmers in western UP demand their dues

Thousands of sugarcane farmers from Western Uttar Pradesh have been carrying on an agitation since 18th October. They are demanding that the sugar mills pay their dues for the previous crushing season (2022-23) amounting to around Rs 4,000 crore. Farmers are angry that while the new sugarcane crushing season (October 1, 2023- September 30, 2024) has already started, they have not yet been fully paid the dues for the previous year.

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