On the occasion of Independence Day 2024:
Only a workers’ and peasants’ state can provide prosperity and protection for all

Statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, 14 Aug 2024

The reason why independence has benefited only a small section of our society is because political power came into the hands of the bourgeoisie 77 years ago. The British colonialists struck a deal with the Indian bourgeoisie in 1947, to prevent the anti-colonial struggle culminating in revolution.

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Seventy Three Years after Independence:

The Struggle Continues for an India without Exploitation and Oppression

Seventy three years after the end of British colonial rule, political power remains concentrated in very few hands. “Development for All” remains an empty promise.

It is the wealth and private empires of the Tatas, Ambanis, Birlas and other monopoly houses which are growing by leaps and bounds. 

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On the Occasion of Independence Day, 2020:

Time to Think Afresh

Statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, 15th August, 2020

When India gained political independence 73 years ago, Prime Minister Nehru declared from the ramparts of the Red Fort that the pain of the Indian people has ended.  He declared that the long suppressed soul of India has been liberated. He passionately called on the people to support the project of ending poverty, ignorance, disease, inequality and wiping every tear from every eye.

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