The Communist Ghadar Party of India hails the fighting spirit of the kisans, who are steadfastly refusing to be cowed down by all the violence and all the calumnies that the rulers have unleashed upon them.
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Guaranteeing Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for all agricultural products is both necessary and possible
The demand of kisans for guaranteed procurement at MSPs is part of the struggle against orienting agriculture towards fulfilling capitalist greed. It is in the service of ensuring secure livelihood for those who produce food and ensuring adequate availability of food at affordable prices for all. It deserves unconditional support from the working class and people.
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Two years since the start of protest dharna by kisans at Delhi’s borders
The second anniversary is an appropriate time to look back and sum up the lessons of the valuable experience that has been gained. All organisers of workers and peasants must do so, with the aim of preparing for the class struggle ahead. Our goal is to win victory over the bourgeoisie, headed by the monopoly houses.
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Kisans in Punjab agitate to press for their demands
Since November 16, thousands of kisans have been on ‘indefinite protest’ over non-fulfilment of their pending demands. The agitating kisans blocked highways in six districts, including Mansa, Bathinda, Patiala, Faridkot, Mukerian and Amritsar. They held protest demonstrations at the offices of the district authorities.
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Kisan Andolan – Challenges and the Way Forward
Nearly two years ago, kisans of Punjab, Haryana, UP and other parts of the country came together in a massive protest action on the borders of the capital, Delhi. The determination of the kisans to fight for their just demands, in the face of the efforts of the central government to discredit the struggle, has been a source of inspiration to the people of this country and world over. The central government withdrew the three anti kisan laws in November 2021, and give an assurance to the kisans that their other demands would be fulfilled. However, a year after that, most of the assurances given to the kisans remain unfulfilled. The kisans are continuing to wage struggle for their fulfilment.
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The struggle of kisans continues
Kisans in Punjab, Haryana, UP and other parts of the country continue to wage struggles for assured public procurement of their produce at remunerative prices, MSP for all crops, for state subsidies for agricultural inputs, for better irrigation facilities, for loan waiver and against the Electricity Amendment Bill. Justice for the murder of agitating kisans in Lakhimpur Kheri and withdrawal of false police cases against agitating kisans are other important demands they are raising. Kisans are demanding that the government fulfill the assurances it gave to them in December 2021 on the basis of which they had withdrawn their dharna at the borders of Delhi.
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Onward with the struggle to end the exploitation of workers and peasants!
Call of the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India on May Day 2022
Comrade workers,
Today is May Day, a day of celebration for the workers of all countries. In our country, workers in all regions are participating in militant rallies, meetings, and processions. We are celebrating the victories we have won and discussing the lessons from the setbacks we have suffered.
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Kisan organisations continue the struggle for their demands
Four months after the kisan andolan suspended its protests at the borders of Delhi, following the central government’s withdrawal of the three anti-kisan laws, kisan organisations in Punjab, Haryana and other states are actively mobilising the people to continue the struggle.
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Elections and the Challenge We Face
Interview of Comrade Lal Singh, General Secretary of the Communist Ghadar Party of India by Mazdoor Ekta Lehar
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Kisan andolan – Present situation and the way forward
Sixth meeting organized by Mazdoor Ekta Committee
“The mood among the kisans is one of great optimism…” said Baldev Singh Sirsa, of the Lok Bhalai Insaf Welfare Society. The Samyukta Kisan Morcha will carry forward the struggle for MSP for all crops and for the other demands, till they are realised, he said. Shri Baldev Singh Sirsa was the main speaker at the sixth meeting organised by the Mazdoor Ekta Committee (MEC) on the theme ‘Kisan andolan: Present situation and the way forward’. The Lok Bhalai Insaf Welfare Society is one of the members of the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM), consisting of over 500 kisan organisations, which is leading the all-India struggle of kisans.
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