Central Trade Unions announce campaign to advance the struggle in defence of rights of workers and peasants

The Central Trade Unions have announced an all India day of protest action on 5 February to condemn the anti worker, anti peasant, anti people course being pursued by the government. This will be followed by an All India campaign against the four labour codes. The Unions have announced that they will organise a General Strike in the event the Central government goes ahead with notifying the rules for the labour codes.

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Meeting organised by Mazdoor Ekta Committee
The Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code: Grave Violation of Workers’ Rights

Workers are pointing out that the OSH Code greatly aggravates the already deplorable conditions that workers in all sectors face, in terms of their health, safety and working conditions at the workplace. It is a grave violation of the workers’ right to life and dignity. It is being resolutely opposed by trade unions cutting across party affiliation, and by workers and their organisations in all industries and services.

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