Modi visit to Russia:
Reaffirming strong ties of Indian ruling class with Russia

The visit took place at a time when the US is trying its best to build a coalition of powers to isolate Russia. In fact, around the same time as Modi’s visit to Russia, a summit meeting of NATO was being held to condemn Russia and pledge support for Ukraine. Modi’s decision to visit Russia at this time, and as the first state visit of his third time in office, shows the importance that the Indian ruling class places on maintaining and strengthening its relations with its long term ally, Russia

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Israel’s utter contempt of the ICJ and world opinion

On May 24, the United Nation’s International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued an order for Israel to immediately stop its invasion of Rafah. This followed the launching of the latest military offensive by Israel on Rafah starting May 7.

Israel has continued its relentless attacks on Rafah in blatant defiance of the ICJ order. Relief camps sheltering the Palestinians forced to flee from the other parts of Gaza are being systematically attacked.

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