Meeting organised by Mazdoor Ekta Committee:
Way Ahead for the Worker-Peasant United Front

Report of a correspondent of Mazdoor Ekta Committee

Organisations of workers and peasants throughout the country are preparing for a massive protest action – Mahapadhav – on November 26-28, to highlight their long-standing demands and take their common struggle forward. A meeting was organised by Mazdoor Ekta Committee on November 13, on the subject ‘Way Ahead for the Worker-Peasant United Front’.

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This is a dharm-yudh of workers and peasants against the adharmi state

CGPI_Statement_10_Jan_2021First published in January 2021

Statement of the Central Committee of Communist Ghadar Party of India, 10 January, 2021

We, the toiling majority of people, are fighting a Dharm Yudh. It is a struggle against the existing Adharmi Republic which guarantees prosperity only for a tiny minority. It is a struggle to establish a Republic that upholds Dharm and guarantees prosperity and protection for all members of society.

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