Social ownership of the means of production is the necessary condition for social production to lead to the fulfilment of human needs rather than the fulfilment of monopoly capitalist greed.
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Social ownership of the means of production is the necessary condition for social production to lead to the fulfilment of human needs rather than the fulfilment of monopoly capitalist greed.
Continue readingThis is the Sixth in a series of articles on the class struggle over electricity in India
The class struggle that is going on over electricity is about who should own this vital productive force and what should be the aim of its production and distribution. At the centre of the conflict is the very definition of the role of electricity in society.
Continue readingThe All India Power Engineers Federation has written to the Union Power Minister demanding that the bill should not be introduced in the monsoon session of Parliament, without talking to power consumers and electricity workers in detail, on the draft Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2022 recently released by the Central government.
Continue readingWe are publishing a statement of solidarity with electricity workers issued by the All-India Forum against Privatisation on 3rd Aug 2021.
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