Rising prices of petrol and diesel

Outright robbery of workers and peasants in the name of serving the people

Petrol and diesel account for a huge share of revenue collected by the Central government from excise duty. According to revised budget estimates, excise duty on petroleum products amounted to Rs. 3.6 lakh crore in 2020-21.

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30 years after the launch of the program of liberalisation and privatisation

Thirty years ago, on 24th July, the then Finance Minister Manmohan Singh presented the first budget of the Congress-led government headed by Narasimha Rao. Finance Minister Manmohan Singh declared that the balance of payments situation was precarious, with foreign currency reserves not enough to even pay for one month’s imports. … He then unveiled a program of major changes in policies, laws and regulations relating to trade, investment and the public sector, broadly in line with the prescriptions of the World Bank and the IMF.

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Press Release: Foundation Meeting of “All India Forum Against Privatisation” successfully held on 04th July 2021

41 National Federations, Unions and Associations representing the public sector workers in Railways, Defense, Electricity, Coal, Petroleum, Banks, Port & Docks as well as organisations of women and people have decided to come together under the banner of  “All India Forum Against Privatisation (AIFAP)” to jointly oppose the Central Government’s anti-worker, anti-people and anti-national policies of handing over public assets built with people’s money to big monopoly corporate capitalists, both Indian and foreign.

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