The participants at this summit resolved to “mobilize international support to suspend Israel’s participation in the United Nations General Assembly and all its affiliated entities” and to “call on all countries to ban the export or transfer of weapons and ammunition to Israel”.
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BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia:
Growing opposition to US domination
The successful BRICS Summit held in Kazan does not mean that the participating countries have broken away from US influence or are openly opposing the dictate of US imperialism. However, it shows that there is widespread discontent with the US imperialist attempts to order the world according to its own interests. This is bringing together even countries and governments that have disagreements and tensions amongst themselves.
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UN Human Rights Council calls upon countries to stop arms sales to Israel
On April 5, the UN Human Rights Council voted on a resolution titled “Human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the obligation to ensure accountability and justice”.
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Campaign of lies to justify the genocide of Palestinian people
The investigations carried out by journalists committed to bringing out the truth on what is going on in Gaza, has exposed the diabolical plans of Israel and the US imperialists to justify the genocide of Palestinian people, by spreading outright lies about the Palestinian resistance fighters.
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US veto of UN resolution on ceasefire in Gaza is an outrage against humanity
The overwhelming vote by the member countries of the United Nations for an immediate ceasefire reflects the demand of the vast majority of peoples of all countries of the world. Millions of people have come out on the streets in all the countries of the world, including in the US and the UK, voicing this demand. The stand taken by the US is in complete contempt of world public opinion. It is an outrage against humanity.
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United Nations votes overwhelmingly for ceasefire in Gaza
On October 27, the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favour of a resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. 120 countries of the United Nations voted in favour of the resolution, while 14 voted against it. 45 countries abstained.
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Condemn the US support for the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people!
Statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, 21 October, 2023
The US Government has unabashedly extended its political and military support to Israel. President Biden visited Israel hours after the bombing of Al Ahli Arab Hospital and declared that the USA will stand by Israel till the very end.
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US once more reveals its reactionary warmongering nature
Following the failed US imperialist plot to invade Venezuela and to capture or assassinate its President Nicolas Maduro in early May, a special meeting of the United Nations Security Council was convened on May 20th to discuss this blatant attack on Venezuela’s sovereignty.
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