On the US Presidential Elections 2024:
Illusion of change, to deceive the people

Presidential elections in the United States are mainly a contest between two parties – the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. The wealthiest capitalists in the country together contribute billions of dollars to the electoral campaigns of these two parties. While the result is promoted as an expression of the people’s will, it is in fact an expression of the will of the bourgeoisie, headed by the biggest monopoly capitalists.
The ruling class in the US has organised the victory of Donald Trump in order to create the illusion that things will change for the better.

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Long live May Day, International Working Class Day!

Onward with the struggle against the capitalist system!

Call of the Central Committee of the Communist Ghadar Party of India, 1 May, 2023

On the occasion of May Day, International Working Class Day, the Communist Ghadar Party salutes the workers of all lands! We salute all those who are fighting against the ferocious onslaught on their hard-won rights and legitimate claims by the governments of the capitalist class.

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