The Nawarshahr Regional Council of Lok Raj Sangathan (LRS) organised a meeting on the issue, “Why Lok Raj?” in Nawarshahr district of Punjab on July 31.
The Nawarshahr Regional Council of Lok Raj Sangathan (LRS) organised a meeting on the issue, “Why Lok Raj?” in Nawarshahr district of Punjab on July 31.
Members of LRS were busy for a whole month till the meeting, mobilising for it. Posters were put up all over the town. Propaganda for the meeting was carried out in the market place of the town and contributions were collected from the public. Peasants and representatives of peasant organisations from the villages adjacent to Begampur were invited to the meeting.
Workers, peasants, women, shopkeepers and small businessmen participated in the meeting. Several representatives of various LRS committees were also present at the meeting.
The meeting was conducted by a Presidium consisting of Comrades Hanuman Prasad, Tarsem Lal, Vijay Kumar and Bijju Nayak. Com. Shivraj, Secretary of Nawarshahr Council of LRS, initiated the proceedings with an elaboration of the aims and work of LRS. He drew attention to the absence of housing, roads and other facilities for the people.
Com. Hanuman Prasad, Vice President of LRS and President of LRS Council, Rajasthan presented a critique of the party system of government and pointed out how the governments of these parties acted on behalf of the Indian and foreign capitalists in securing their profits. He said that we must not forget that while capitalists’ governments can be changed through vote banks, it is the capitalist media which prepares the opinion of these vote banks. Thus, just changing the capitalists’ party that rules us, once in 5 years is not going to change our lives or solve our problems. People are left with no rights once they give the vote. He concluded with a call to all present to join the struggle of Lok Raj Sangathan for the empowerment of the people.
Comrade Bijju Nayak, representative of the Delhi Council of LRS, presented his comprehensive analysis on the issue of corruption. He gave a detailed account of the scandals of corruption that have been exposed in our country from the time of independence till date. He explained that the issue of corruption is inextricably associated with the political and economic system we have. Thus, the problem cannot be resolved within the framework of this system and the institutions that have been established by the present Constitution.
Secretary of the Haryana Regional Council of LRS, Com. Dhuni Chand elaborated on the necessity to establish Lok Raj. He pointed out that the basic issue today is that people are not empowered. Those who are ruling in the name of the people are defenders of the capitalists. We have to work towards establishing the rule of workers and working people. We know from the experience of 64 years’ of struggle of the people that our problems cannot be resolved in this system of capitalist democracy based on this Constitution.
Shri. Jarnail Singh presented in detail on the problems of the peasantry and the movement of the peasantry in Punjab.
Shri Jitendra Singh raised a question on the appropriateness of including army and defence employees in LRS.
Bipin Bharadwaj, who had come from Himachal Pradesh, drew the attention of the meeting to the environmental problems created by the state-wide hydro-electric projects that are being initiated.
Parambir Singh endorsed the work of the regional council members and called for strengthening the organisation.
Com.Gulab, representative of the Bhatinda Council of LRS, informed those present of the struggles of the workers of Punjab Roadways.
Com. Hanuman Prasad responded to the questions raised by those present at the meeting. The significant question that was raised was – should political parties not exist? He clarified that political parties are necessary, but instead of themselves coming to power in the name of the people, they should enable the people to come to power and to exercise their rule. The meeting drew to a close with his concluding remarks.